Category Archives: Numeracy


We have been learning all about measurung. We have done length, weight and volume.

We have all had chances to weigh with weights or cubes, measure with rulers, metre sticks, straws and measure liquid with litres, cups and spoons.

P2/3 have also enjoyed playing with weights and measuring with water, if they have had any choosing time.

Tatty Tales

Today we looked at our potatoes to see how they are getting on after the holidays.

They are growing well.

Aiva measured our largest plant and it was 16cm tall and the smallest one was 10 cm.

Luckily P3 have been learning how to measure with centimetres and metres this week in Maths:)

Health Week Day 3

Today was busy, busy!

We made comments for our Friendship Tree – saying kind words about somebody we wouldn’t generally say something nice to.

Next we went over to the hall and Miss Dingwall showed us how to play Indoor Curling. We had a great time and some of us would have  played longer.

This was then followed by orienteering in the playground with Mrs Lynne. The children in pairs managed this very well and after initially finding it a little tricky, they had it mastered. Mrs Lynne kindly provided Hot Chocolate to keep us warm, as the snow was beginning to fall a little harder.

In the afternoon, after music practice, we played Whole School Dodgeball. Well done to Ardoch who won, but a big well done has to go to Alexander Bickerton who was standing alone in his team,

which seemed an eternity, avoiding all the balls.


Today we used the playground shopping boards to practice counting up money.

We recorded how much food cost, then went inside to add the prices up, as it was freezing cold and it was beginning to snow!

Tatty Tales

Today the farmer John Ritchie came to our school and helped us plant our potatoes.

He told us all about growing potatoes and we were able to ask him a lot of questions.

We then went out and planted two of our potatoes in our grow bag. We weighed them first of all and we will compare this weight to our final crop. We have also planted potatoes in different pots, so we will see them at different stages of growth.

John  also split the children into 2 teams and they will have their own competition to see whose potatoes grow the tallest.

Thanks to John for coming to our class and helping us plant our potatoes.


We had great fun learning about forces today. We learnt about different forces including pushing, puling and friction.

We made sure our test was fair and measured how far different toy cars travelled down a gradient.

We also learned how to measure accurately with measuring tapes. We found out that the car with the smoothest, loose wheels travelled the furtherest and the heaviest car with the thick treads went the shortest distance.

Check out the game and quiz here.


We have been learning about money in class. We have been looking at the different coins and using them to count different sums of money. P2’s have been working up to 20p, although they have been able to count bigger amounts. P3 have been using 50p and £1 coins to count amounts.

To practise money games please go to this website-

Money Games