Category Archives: Forest Schools

In the Forest

In the forest we used our kellie kettles again to make soup and today we had wholemeal bread with it. Everyone tried the wholemeal bread and the majority of the children liked it. We are encouraging the children to make healthier choices when eating. 

The children also searched for signs of Autumn and found  a variety of leaves and acorns. Once again, there were no conkers from the horse chestnut tree.

The children also played games to help them order numbers and revisit place value. 

Minibeast Hunting

This term P1/2 have been doing different minibeast hunts.

This has included looking for different minibeast habitats  in the park and up in the forest where we have been looking under stones, in grass, in trees etc.

The children have also been putting the minibeasts into groups including arachnids, insects, gastropods and athropods.

Finally when hunting for minibeasts the children have been learning their French name too.

Den Building

This week we were up in the forest and were building dens.

We all had to work together in our groups to build a solid den in which one or more people could fit into.

One group was very creative and made a garden path and a fire exit with their den.

Thank you very much to Mrs Howie and Mrs Black who came along and helped us build our dens!

SDC13528 SDC13529 SDC13531 SDC13538 SDC13540 SDC13541