Day: February 4, 2019

Pupil Council Meeting 28.01.19

In Attendance: Maya, Max, Meghan, Enzo, Jago, Finlay, Jamie, Dara, Mrs Forrest, Mrs Gibson

Rotary Quiz:
Pupils discussed the importance of practicing for the quiz in order to represent the school well. All P6-P7 will attend including 1 reserve who will be selected after some practice tests within class.

Ski Trip:
Details of the ski trip discussed. Fundraising was a success and P6 pupils will attend a planning meeting on Wednesday the 30th of January.

Pupils have decided to support WaterAid this session.

Skills Sessions:
Mrs Forrest is working on developing the skills sessions and is contacting someone from Live Active to assist with this.

Date set for 19th of March. To link in with the topic on Spain the children will be hosting a Spanish Cultural Event. Including dancing, food, art and displaying what they are learning.

Playground safety:
It was suggested by P1-P4 that the children create some signs for the playground to alert them when certain areas are out of bounds and to explain the Buddy Bench. This will be done during Forest School.


Pupil Council 2019

Chair of the Pupil Council:  Finlay

  • Chairs meetings
  • Works with the secretary to create the agenda
  • shares information with the Parent Council and P1-4
  • Ensures everyone’s voice is heard
  • Makes decisions if there is no consensus

Treasurer of the Pupil Council: Jamie

  • Keeps track of the class spending and fundraising
  • Presents an account of spending/fundraising totals at every meeting

Liaison Officers: Meghan, Erin

  • This session we have nominated two pupils to have overall responsibility to make sure that we consult regularly with P1-4 and hear their views.

Secretary of the Pupil Council: Dara, Enzo, Jago, Maya, Max

  • Takes minutes of meetings, including actions and responsibilities
  • Shares information with the Parent Council and P1-4
  • Takes mail and puts agenda together with the chair and HT
  • Writes any correspondence from the Pupil Council