Month: February 2016

Scots Poems

We were so busy before the half term break we forgot to upload our fabulous animated Scots poems. We were inspired by the story of the Boy and the Bunnet and liked how each character had music to go with it that described how the character moved or what the character was like. We chose local animals and created a storyboard about their adventures. After that we wrote a poem based on the storyboard adding in poetry techniques and scots words. Mr and Mrs Young played us the lovely tunes that go along with the characters in the Boy and the Bunnet and then we created our own for our characters using percussion instruments. We then animated our poem and added music and our voices reading the poems.

We put them altogether to create an anthology.

A Busy Week of Planning

This week we have been planning our History theme we are going to be learning about Medieval life and Castles. Hazel also went to Kenmore to plan for their ski trip next week with the other P6 & 7s.
We have been practising our reading skills identifying the features of a non-fiction book and skimming and scanning to find out what people wore in the past.


We are looking for parent helpers to help create a medieval village in our garden! If you would like to help out please get in touch.