Day: May 22, 2015

Our Eggs

On Wednesday Hester’s Dad came in and brought some eggs to show us.  We cracked the eggs and he told us what the different parts were.  We saw a white string bit which holds the yolk in place and a dot on the yolk, it is the bit that grows into the baby chick.

He also brought an incubator, it does what the mother hen would do, keeping the eggs warm and turning them.  We put 20 eggs into the incubator, it takes 21 days for them to hatch.  We think they will hatch on Wednesday 10th June.  We used a special torch called a candler to see inside the egg.  We couldn’t see anything yet but Patrick said that’s because it hasn’t h

ad a chance to grow.  We are going to look inside again next week to see which eggs have chicks inside.  If there are some without chicks inside we will take them out of the incubator.

We will write a blog about our eggs once a week.

By P1-3

Patrick showed us inside the eggs.
Patrick showed us inside the eggs.

The white bit holds the yolk in place

The spot on the top is the bit that will grow into a chick
The spot on the top is the bit that will grow into a chick
Patrick is showing us what's inside the egg.
Patrick is showing us what’s inside the egg.
20 eggs are in the incubator.
20 eggs are in the incubator.

The white bit holds the yolk in place