Shakespeare Rocks and the Celebration of Achievement Evening

P4-7 put on a brilliant performance last night of Shakespeare Rocks! The acting was amazing and there were even solo singing performances!

P1.2.3 were extra singers.

If you missed it, enjoy the photos!

This was then followed by our Celebration of Achievement Evening, where prizes for Responsible Citizen, Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Effective Contributor, the Joyce Armit Quaich, The Sports Cup and Best Reader. SDC13643 SDC13652 SDC13650 SDC13648 SDC13660 SDC13657 SDC13654 SDC13646 SDC13644 SDC13663 SDC13661

SDC13673 SDC13674 SDC13675 SDC13676 SDC13677 SDC13678 SDC13679


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