Tag Archives: lock

Returning to School after Second Lockdown 

Returning to school after second lockdown 

By Mia 

The Orkney secondary school Stromness Academy went back on the 15th of March as a phased return. All the junior classes were split into three groups that would each go in on different days. One group would go in on Monday and Thursday, another group would go in on Tuesday and Friday and the last group would only go in on Wednesday. These would change each week so that every pupil would get at least a week of school at the end of the three weeks.  

There are certain restrictions that must be carried out by schools. Some of these include: 

– two metre social distancing where possible  

– masks to be worn at all times, except whilst eating or drinking 

– pupils not to attend school if they show any symptoms of coronavirus  

– frequent washing/sanitising 

– for pupils to wipe down their desk/chair or any equipment they were using before leaving the classroom  

This is all subject to change after the Easter Holidays. Currently, plans are in place for pupils going back to school full time after Easter, though this will be confirmed towards the end of the Easter break.  Some of the restrictions like social distancing will ease slightly, but ventilation will most likely increase because of the number of pupils in the school.