Scott Shearer
All of the citizens of Orkney, and the rest of the world, are currently stuck in their homes, because of the coronavirus crisis.

Because of the current coronavirus crisis, Orkney has come to a complete standstill. There are only few legitimate reasons to leave your home, these include: buying essential goods; exercise; going to work, only if you can not word from home.
Local, Carol Shearer commented that: ‘We are all happy to be home and safe’.
Ronnie Shearer, another local resident, commented that Coronavirus had meant that he had been forced to put up with his younger brother.
Coronavirus is not the first pandemic to have this effect: malaria, has killed almost half of all people who have ever lived on earth, meaning that over time, it has killed more people than any other cause.
Coronavirus is unlikely to kill as many as malaria. However, like malaria, it may continue to be a huge killer, especially in poorer areas of the world.
Coronavirus will likely continue to be a threat for some time. It has and will continue to impact the economy greatly. Shipping prices will increase, and more communications will be done remotely. Money will likely be transferred increasingly more online, and cash may become obsolete.
Help i’m locked in mr mcgeary’s room.