Category Archives: Alevins

Alevins released on Sanday!

The Sanday school pupils releasing the alevins into Bea Loch

It was a rather breezy day, this 20th March, when it was decided that the time had come to part company with the small fish we had been watching grow in the school since January.  The alevins’ yolk sacs (their own food supply) were shrinking day by day and it was time for them to start life as  “real” trout and fend for themselves in the loch.

Thirty pupils from Primary 4 to Secondary 2 and seven members of staff and parents gathered on the shore of Bea Loch and let slip the 250 miniature troot, measuring 20mm, amongst the waves.

Needless to say that the next few years will be very tough for the little fish which will be facing a lot of dangers, from birds and otters but also from their older counterparts which, as some may know, can reach over 10 lbs in this loch!

The visit to the loch was not just about fish as Mr. Thorne, the Sanday ranger, joined us and explained why the loch was such a special environment for a wide range of wildlife, like swans, many different species of ducks and otters.

Well done to all pupils and staff involved for making the project such a success!

Mr. P

Alevins about to be released
More alevins to be released...


Mr. Thorne, telling the Sanday pupils why our loch is such a special habitat.

Alevins released on Stronsay!

The alevins have been transfered into sandwich bags...

 The first “Troot in the Shed 2012” batch of alevins were released today on Stronsay into the Meikle Water. The Upper Primary class and the “Peedie AFYDs” (Ben, Matthew and Natalie), all put on their wellie boots and waterproofs and headed for the loch to bid farewell to the 250 small fish they saw hatching  4 weeks ago. The alevins’ yolk sacs were almost reabsorbed and this meant it was time to let the fish go to feed and grow in the loch. Let’s hope that these youngsters get to see some of these fish again in a few years!

Special thanks to Mrs. Bowen for joining us on the trip, Natalie for her photography skills and Matthew and Ben for the videos.

and are ready to be released into Meikle Water...


in the shelter of a weed bed.
Rebecca releasing her alevins into the wild...
A newly released alevin: camouflage at its best!

All ova hatched on Sanday (at last…)

When the first ova hatched at the Sanday mini-hatchery 10 days ago, we were looking forward to seeing the bottom of the tank crawling with the transluscent pinky-orange alevins within a matter of hours or days. However, we’ve had to wait until today to discover that all the eggs (apart from maybe a dozen) had hatched over the week-end. Now (and some people are going to be disappointed when reading this ;-)), after very close inspection, I still couldn’t spot Trevor TT nor Tilly TTT who seem to have disappeared into the crowd… 

The great news is that most our ova have made it and that hopefully, we’ll be able to release about 280 alevins into Bea Loch in a few weeks.

Mr. Pietri

Sanday one day-old alevin and egg case (click on picture to magnify)

Hatching has started on Sanday!

Day-old brown trout alevin (17/02/12)

Sanday’s underway, only 2 or 3 days after Stronsay and Kirkwall Grammar. Only a few alevins had hatched by this morning, including the star of the show: Trevor the Trout (named by Kacey, Sam and Dennis) and easily recognisable with his orange yolk-sac and golden eyes ;-)…

These little guys will have a peaceful long week-end and by Tuesday, when we remove the mesh frame, we should see Trevor’s brothers and sisters crawling amongst the gravel.

All eggs hatched at Kirkwall Grammar!

That is some serious amount of froth! A good indicator that a lot is happening down there!
Not many eggs left out of the 800 delivered a few weeks ago...

Most of the eggs have now hatched at KGS, apart from a dozen or so. Froth is always an indicator that the hatching process is under way, but have a look at the picture, it’s as if somebody poured in half a bottle of Fairy liquid into the tank!

On the other picture, we can see the dark orange alevins sitting on the green mesh but the majority of the young trout are probably hiding underneath.

Well done to the KGS pupils and staff for successfully hatching about 95% of their eggs!

All Stronsay ova hatched!

One of the alevins hatched yesterday at the Stronsay School (Click on picture to zoom in)

 All the Stronsay alevins have hatched by now! This morning, only a few eggs were left on the mesh frame so it was decided to remove it altogether. Underneath, it was crawling with bright orange tadpole-like little alevins, similar to the one on the picture. They’re all very healthy and we will now keep an eye on their yolk-sacs. Another piece of good news: this morning, I found in my pigeon-hole the four Single Introduction Consents from Marine Scotland which allow us to release our alevins into the various lochs and burns!

First alevins on Stronsay and at Kirkwall Grammar!!!

BIG DAY TODAY!!! On the “Troot in the Shed 2012” Homepage, reports have been coming in this morning that the first ova have hatched on Stronsay and in KGS! From Stronsay, Keith and Craig reported about two dozen alevins first, and shortly after Mr. Ewing from KGS, reported a lot of froth in their tank and the first alevins!

Just wondering what’s happening on Sanday??? I’m sure it won’t be long before we hear from them… Breaktime at the Sanday School is in about an hour’s time at 11:00 and they may be in for a surprise when they check their tank! Let’s wait and see…

Mr. P

Newly hatched alevin

Stocking of the Stronsay lochs

The winning team: Mike (top left) and Daniel (great headgear!), Craig, Keith and Kevin (bottom left picture) - Photos: M. Holland

On Saturday 9th April, an  interesting shipment arrived to Stronsay onboard the ferry: a vivier type tank containing about 20,000 brown trout alevins!

After the rather sad end of most of the fish hatched during the “Troot in the Shed” project, when about 80% died 3 days before they were to be released, this was a golden opportunity for some of the Stronsay boys who had worked so hard, to take part in a proper stocking operation. Thanks to Mike Holland who, very kindly accepted to take delivery of the Orkney Trout Fishing Association’s  tank, drive to the various locations and send back the tank to Kirkwall on the last ferry, Craig, Daniel, Keith and Kevin had the chance to release 10,000 alevins in Lea Shun, in the south of the island, and as many in Meikle Water. Let’s hope they manage to recapture some of them in 5 or 6 years, once they’ve put on a bit of weight! Again, well done to these young people who braved that cold and foggy morning to help maintain a decent head of fish in the two lochs!

Trout released in the Ore Burn (Hoy)

The North Walls pupils about to release their trout (24/03/11)

It is on Thursday 24th March that the “peedie troot” raised at the North Walls school  had to be set free into the Ore Burn. The pupils from Class 1, Class 2 and S1 walked to the burn and got each a chance to release some of the 150 odd  alevins. Andrew Learmonth from Radio Orkney joined the trip and a slot  on the “Troot in the Shed” project will be on air on Monday 28th March at 7:30am. Thanks again to the headteacher and teachers who helped on the trip.

Trout released on Meikle Water (Stronsay)

Keith releasing the alevins in Meikle Water, Stronsay (23/03/2011)

This is it! After looking after our trout for the last 2 months, the time has come to release them in the wild! Unfortunately, a small disaster happened over the last week-end, when 67 alevins ready for release died. That left very few to stock Meikle Water with… However the trip to the loch was a good opportunity to look at the environment, possible ways to improve the trout habitat and also how to make “Troot in the Shed” 2012 even better!