May 27, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting Online Assembly

Article of the Week

Have a look at the pictures below. Can you guess what article we are going to focus on is?

Its Article 14 – Freedom of thought, belief and religion.

Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.

Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up.

Here is how we can make sure that everyone at Woodlands Primary show respect for everyone’s beliefs.

  • Make time and opportunities to have views listened to and valued.
  • Make sure food choices are respected.
  • Have time and space to pray or reflect.
  • Create opportunity to celebrate special times or festivals.
  • Provision to ensure a variety of uniform options are available to reflect beliefs.
  • Encourage everyone to respect each other’s viewpoints.
  • Make it an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.

Food and Religion

Food choices are really important to some people.

Watch this video below from the BBC and its humorous exploration of food and religion.

Possible Follow up Activities

Can you…

(Early Level)

Thoughts and beliefs are usually really important to people. Draw a pictures of or write down some things you believe in strongly.

(First Level)

Why do you think religious buildings are important? Think of and draw a building that is important to you or make a sculpture of one of these buildings using things you can find around the house (old cereal boxes, empty toilet roll etc.). This could be a religious building like a church or a temple, or even a school or a library. Write a sentence or two about why this building is important to you.

(Second Level)

List as many religions as you can think of. Do you know what symbols are linked with these religions? Have a go at drawing them if you can.


People’s beliefs often influence the way they act and behave. Imagine  you have discovered a new planet to live on. What ideas do you have about how you would want all the people  who live there to treat each other and their planet? What would your planet look like? What would it be called?

Reflection/Pupil Voice

Try to spend a few minutes being quiet and still.  Think about the beliefs that matter most to you…

Why do you think a child should be allowed to choose their own beliefs? Why is it important that a child is supported by their family to make a decision about their faith and beliefs for themselves?

Are there ways that you can respect and support students in your school that may have different beliefs to you?

Click on the picture above to listen to ‘A Song you’ll Love To Know’.

Remember how you act can ‘make a difference’. Click on the link to listen to another assembly favourite.

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green

Primary 1 Transition

We are aware that for parents of children starting Primary 1 in August this will be a worrying time as the usual transition activities have not been possible. In June all families will be sent a transition pack through the post. This will include information for parents, access to a virtual tour of the school to help children become more familiar with the building and a transition activity booklet for the children. We look forward to our welcoming all of our new children to school in August.

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green

Future Plans

I hope that everyone is having a nice holiday weekend despite the windy weather. As you will now know, children will return to school on 11th of August however this will be a new way of school with a mixture of learning at home and in school. I am working on plans to ensure that the needs of all children are met, school staff will return at some point in June and will work on preparing for the children’s return. Classes will be formed in a new way and as such information on teachers may not be confirmed until just before the children start back in August. There will have to be many changes both to the physical building and to how we teach – social distancing with children (and adults) is a tricky business! . Rest assured that we will do everything we can to support the children in adapting to the new ways of working however your help would be much appreciated. Practising how to wash their hands and how to keep themselves safe by social distancing will make things much easier for us all.

Miss Ferguson

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green


We are disappointed that we will not be able to enjoy our usual nursery graduation this year, however we have arranged a virtual graduation which will go out at 9.30am on Wednesday 24th of June. While you are watching a special gift will be delivered to the door of all graduating children. Further details will be issued in due course.

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green

Primary 7

We are disappointed that our usual Primary 7 graduation and party will not be possible this year and have been working hard to find an alternative. At the moment any party or gathering seems a long way off therefore we have planned a virtual graduation. Over the next week you will recieve a call from Miss Ferguson inviting you to come along with your child to record a special message – each family will be given a specific date and time to attend to ensure social distancing. These videos will be put together along with a few additional items to form our graduation which will be put out at 10am on Wednesday 24th of June. While you are watching a special gift will be delivered to your door!

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green

Additional Home Learning Materials

For any families who require additional materials for home learning such as jotters, pencils, etc these will be available to collect between 3.45pm and 4.45pm on Tuesday 2nd of June from the school. Entry will be through the main entrance, please remember social distancing when entering the school. We would also ask that where possible only one person comes to collect items and that children are left at home.

May 26, 2020
by Mr Green

Greenfaulds High School P7 Transition Task

Hello Primary 7. We would like you to introduce yourself to us!

You can do this by producing a short video clip/letter or poster.
In this tell us a little bit about you and what you think we should know about you.

If you have any questions please include them too.

To submit your work you can take a photograph and email it directly to Miss Ferguson.

Good Luck and we look forward to hearing from you.

Greenfaulds High School

May 21, 2020
by Mr Green

The Woodlands Weekly 22.5.2020

The May weekend holiday is this Friday (22nd) and Monday (25th). Teachers will upload work again on Tuesday 26th May.

This week was North Lanarkshire’s Sumdog contest. Well done to everyone that entered.

Well done to the classes that managed to achieve a rank for their efforts.

Primary 2/3 – 19th place.

Primary 5 – 39th Place.

Primary 6 – 70th Place.

Primary 3- 87th place.

Primary 4 – 99th Place.

6925 pupils participated in the North Lanarkshire Sumdog contest. We had some amazing individual performances too. Well done to:

Liam – P3 – 13th place overall.

Murray – p5 – 77th place overall.

Olivia – P6 – 90th place overall.

Well done to the following pupils for dedication and improvement.

Lily – Primary 1

Cillian – Primary 1

Kyra Lily – Primary 2

Jake – Primary 2

Kayden – Primary 2/3

Zac – Primary 3

Carson – Primary 3

Darius – Primary 4

Poppy – Primary 4/5

Yasemin – Primary 5

Ruaraidh – Primary 5

Zak – Primary 5

Maya – Primary 6

Rhys – Primary 6

Aaron – Primary 6

Aidan – Primary 6

Ava – Primary 6/7

Ava R – Primary 7


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