June 5, 2020
by Mr Green

The Woodlands Weekly 5.6.2020

Well done to this week’s Sumdog champions. The teachers are very proud with how hard you are working on your maths skills.

Mary Jane -Primary 1/2

Millie – Primary 2/3

Autumn – Primary 3

Leah – Primary 4/5

Maya – Primary 6

Lara – Primary 6

Jamie – Primary 6/7

Katie – Primary 7

Cameron – Primary 7

Rosie – Primary 7

North Lanarkshie council are running another Sumdog contest

Things to remember during the contest,

  • Children should simply play Sumdog’s mathematics games. As they do so, they’ll answer questions that contribute to their score.
  • For the score to count, the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest activity must be shown in the green panel on the left of the students screen when they click to start each game.
  • The final class score is the average number of correct answers across the students who take part.
  • There’s a maximum of 1000 questions for each student – so accuracy is more important than effort!
  • Students can play at any time during the contest week.
  • To qualify for the leaderboards, at least 10 students from a class need to play.


June 4, 2020
by Mr Green

Take A Moment

Take a moment…

…to enjoy a Sunshine Meditation.

Hasn’t the weather been beautiful over the last few weeks? I hope you’ve been able to enjoy the lovely sunny days, even if it’s just been through your window!

In this week’s meditation we imagine the sunshine on our skin, filling us with light and warmth. It can be used to help you feel refreshed, energised and ready to face the day ahead so it’s great to do in the morning before you start your home learning!

(When I was a wee girl and couldn’t sleep, my mum used to do this kind of meditation with me to help me nod off and it worked for that too!)

I hope the sun comes back soon but remember to stay safe in the sunshine . Why not make a poster to remind your family of sun safety? I’d love to see your posters too!

Have a great week!

Mrs McMillan

June 4, 2020
by Mr Green

Greenfaulds High School

We are looking forward to welcoming our new S1 pupils to Greenfaulds High School. We recognise that the start of the school will look a bit different this year but we want to reassure you we are doing everything we can to make it a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary.

The link below will provide some useful information for parents and pupils on the transition process. If you have any questions there is a form at the bottom of the link you can fill in and we will try our best to answer any of your concerns.

Click here for more information from Greenfaulds High School.

June 3, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting Online Assembly

Article of the week

Welcome to Rights Respecting online assembly

Can you guess this week’s article from the pictures below?

It’s Article 28 – the right to education. Every child has the right to an education.

Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights.

Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

Why is education so important? Click the link above. Below is a list of what education can achieve. It allows young people to:

  • have skills to improve things and help people.
  • form opinions and views about things.
  • learn things, gain knowledge and pass exams.
  • know how to stay safe and healthy.
  • learn how to respect other people’s ideas and get on with other. people.
  • get a job they enjoy and earn money.
  • make informed choices.
  • have more opportunities in life.
  • learn about things that are important for the world.
  • grow up to be responsible adults.

Possible Follow up activities

(Early Level)

Can you draw a picture of your favourite thing to so at Woodlands Primary School. Tell an adult what you are learning to do in the picture.

(First Level)

Although more children than ever go to school across the world, the quality of the education they receive is not always good enough. In the video Unicef’s Director talks about the importance of children learning at school.

Draw a picture of you in your school uniform in the middle of a piece of paper. Around the outside write down what you think is needed for quality learning to take place?

(Second Level)

Nelson Mandela said: ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’.

Malala Yousafzai campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of education for girls – can you highlight 3 key points about why it is important for girls to go to school. How might you use these 3 key messages to design your own campaign poster for girls’ education?

Extra Task

What makes a good teacher? Watch the video above – what does it tells us about the importance of the relationship between a teacher and a learner ? How did you feel after watching the video? is there something you feel you could be (or are!) really good at?

In the middle of a piece of paper draw a picture of an adult that helps you learn (it can be an adult at school or at home)! Around the outside write down in what ways they help you.

Reflection/Pupil Voice

Think about your own learning for a few minutes – your own learning in school and outside of school.

What do you love learning about the most?
What are you passionate about? What makes you excited to get up in the morning?
What are you good at? Or would like to be better at?
How do you learn best?

Now re-imagine a new kind of school that fitted you exactly. What would it be like? Would it be an actual building? A workshop? A studio? A virtual school? Or an outside space?

Let your imagination run…

Click to hear one of our favourites ‘just sing’.

Another assembly classic click on the link and ‘Check it’ out.

May 29, 2020
by Mr Green

Greenfaulds High School

So you have seen some of the people that you will meet in your transition from Primary. Here’s a chance to see our wonderful building and the most valuable resource we have…the young people who take full advantage of it.

Hello Primary 7. Remember we would like you to introduce yourself to us! Today is the last day to do that!

You can do this by producing a short video clip/letter or poster.
In this tell us a little bit about you and what you think we should know about you.

If you have any questions please include them too.

To submit your work you can take a photograph and email it directly to Miss Ferguson.


Good Luck and we look forward to hearing from you.

Greenfaulds High School

May 29, 2020
by Mr Green

Woodlands Weekly 29.5.2020

Well done to this weeks Sumdog champions. Great accuracy and effort.

Kyra-Lily – Primary 2

Lily – Primary 2/3

Hollie – Primary 4

Murray – Primary 5

Katie  – Primary 7

Ava – Primary 7

Rosie – Primary 7

Well done to this creative primary four for earning a Blue Peter badge for his acrostic poem about lockdown. Mr Green can’t wait to read it.

Great to see friends staying in touch and supporting each other especially when its a lockdown birthday! Well done for sticking to the social distancing rules too.

May 28, 2020
by Mr Green

Take a moment

Deja vu??? Take a moment:

Take a moment…

…to try Sssssnake Breathssss! This is a fun way for children to play while gaining control over their breath. The video is aimed at younger children, but I know plenty of older kids and adults who like to have a snake breath competition to see who can hiss for the longest time!

Why not try making a sock puppet of your own. You could put on a show for your family or make a film. You could even make up your own sock puppet film to share your favourite ways to relax. I’d love to see them.


Have a ssssssssuper week!


May 28, 2020
by Mr Green

Important Announcement

Councillor Frank McNally, Convener of Education and Families and Derek Brown, Executive Director of Education and Families, have written to all parents.

Please click the link below to read the letter.


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