June 18, 2020
by Mr Green

Take a moment

Take a moment…

…to look back over the year.

This school year started off quite normally with new classes and teachers, learning new skills, fun activities and spending time with friends. We got to do all our normal Christmas events and 2020 started off as expected and then…everything changed!

Lockdown has meant spending a lot more time at home or in the hub, your teachers continuing to provide you with learning activities online, and not getting to come into the school building or playground.

Sometimes it’s difficult not to focus on everything that is not happening or that you’ve missed out on, but it’s really important not to forget all the great times you’ve enjoyed this year.

So, for this year’s final “take a moment”, why not take a moment to think back over the last school year and remember the good times? You could write about them, make a poster, tell someone or draw pictures. I would love to see what you create! Here is an idea of what you could think about.

I hope you enjoy remembering the good times over the last year. Have a lovely school holiday and stay safe. I’m already looking forward to seeing you in August!

Mrs McMillan

June 17, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting Online Assembly

Article of the Week

Have a look at the pictures below. Can you guess what article we are going to focus on is?

It’s Article 19 – Protection from violence, abuse and neglect
Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.

Below is what people around you have to do to make sure you are safe and protected. They have to:

  • Understanding what it means to be safe and protected.
  •  Care about you and make sure you know that they do.
  • Be able to talk about your emotions and feelings.
  • Find out and learn why some things are not safe.
  • Know that they must listen to you and take you seriously.
  • Make you feel looked after, valued, secure and respected.
  • Help develop your confidence to get help if you need it.
  • Know what to do to keep you safe on line.

Possible Follow up Activities

(Early Level)

Draw or list some of the people whose job it is to help you stay safe and protected.

(First Level)

Draw a cartoon or design a logo about the right to be protected from harm. Share this with your family and friends.

(Second Level)

Imagine that you had to make sure that every adult properly understood Article 19 and why it is so important, what would you say? How could you persuade them as to why it matters so much. You could write a speech, design a poster or prepare a PowerPoint presentation.


What if a friend talks to you about not feeling safe at this time? Have you thought about what you would do? Perhaps you could design a poster reminding young people about how and where to seek help.

Safety Online

What do you know about being safe online? Have a conversation about this with the adults you live with. Talk about safe settings on your router and on all devices in the house. Ask your family to look at this Safer Internet website and let you watch some of the videos in the resources section. Click on the link below.

Reflection/Pupil Voice

  1. Who are the people who make you feel really safe and secure? How does it feel to be with them?
  2. In this time when most people are away from school, how can they get help if they are feeling unsafe?
  3. Think of the people you know who make you feel especially safe and secure – think about a way you can thank them for this and let them know how much it matters to you.

Click on the link above to listen to the tongue.

Click on  the link to listen to the new song ‘When is a Sunny Day’.

June 15, 2020
by Mr Green

NLC Virtual Sports Day

We’ll be encouraging all of our families to get involved and to tweet their pictures and videos to @WoodlandsCnauld @NLActiveSchools with the hashtag #NLSportsDay

An added bonus is that the best photo/video will win £50 worth of sports equipment for our school!

Above is the timeline for the day. With a 10 am start for a video warm up on the NLactiveschools twitter.

There are 7 events taking place. Above is the list and equipment needed to take part. But don’t worry! There is an alternative list too. If you don’t have any of them be as creative as you can.

The resource pack contains an explanation of each event, possible adaptations and the scoring system.

Resource Pack

Here is a sneak peak at the first event!

June 15, 2020
by Mr Green

Primary 1 Transition Event

It was great to welcome next years P1 boys and girls into school today for a socially distanced visit! You all did a great job of planting your sunflowers. Now you need too look after them and watch them grow.

We can’t wait to see you all in August for the start of Primary 1.

Click on the picture above for a link to the Story Sam Plants a Sunflower.

If you have not already done so can you please download the school app. This will be our main form of communication going forward. The links below will help you access information linked to Woodlands Primary School .

Information Leaflet

App user guide

Short Links


June 12, 2020
by Mr Green

School Librarians’ Guide to Oz

Primary 7s your new secondary school librarians have a mission for you: explore the wonderful country of Oz and challenge yourself with reading, discovery, arts & crafts, imagination, competitions and fun!

Prepare to have fun and see you in Oz!

Click on the link

June 12, 2020
by Mr Green

Message to parents

We appreciate that this is a very uncertain time for parents and that you are desperate for any information that will help you to prepare your child for school in August. We would like to reassure you all that plans are in progress however we have been advised by NLC that no plans should be communicated to parents until they have been finalised. While we know this may be frustrating, it is to avoid information being shared which may then be changed based on the new government guidance. Please rest assured that as soon as informtion is made final we will communicate with you as promptly as possible. We very much look forward to seeing the children in August

June 12, 2020
by Mr Green

The Woodlands Weekly 12.6.2020

Well done to our hard working maths champions.

This Week NLC had another Sumdog challenge

Well done to primary 3 for finishing in the top 100. A well earned 65th place out of 765 classes.

5694 students participated so a special mentions for

Sonny – Primary 4 21st place.

Carson – Primary 3 60th place.

Olivia –  Primary 6 83rd place.

Murray – Primary 5 84th place.

Also well done to the boys and girls for their effort an application this week.

Lily – Primary 1

Mary Jane – Primary 1/2

Kyra Lily – Primary 2

Jamie – Primary 2/3

Connor – Primary 3

Struan – Primary 3

Zac – Primary 3

Callum – Primary 4

Poppy – Primary 4/5

Ruaraidh – Primary 5

Zak – Primary 5

Skye – Primary 6

Ava Primary 6/7

Katie – Primary 7

Ava R – Primary 7

Well done to one of our awesome primary 7s. Working hard and earning a coding certificate.


June 11, 2020
by Mr Green

Take a moment

Take a moment…

…to try a Rainbow Relaxation!

This week’s moment is quite a bit longer than my other relaxation videos. It would be best suited to you if you have already been practising breathing and relaxation techniques over the last few weeks.

If you are new to relaxation techniques then it might be better to try one of the “Take a Moment” videos from the past few weeks.

This Rainbow Relaxation will help you feel calm, safe and deeply relaxed. After doing it, you should be able to approach the rest of the day feeling calm, confident and capable. It would be especially useful for some of the older pupils (or their parents!) before they start on their home learning or trying a complex task. It would be hugely beneficial for p7s to practice it over the next few weeks in preparation for starting High School. How great would it be to walk into a new school in August feeling so confident and capable?

Why not take a (long) moment to try it today?

June 10, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting online Assembly

Article of the Week.

Welcome to Rights Respecting School online Assembly.

Can you guess this week’s article from the pictures below?

It’s Article 15 – Freedom of association
Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Sometimes people say Article 15 is ‘The right to friends’ but that’s not what the article says!

Why do you think that there isn’t actually a ‘Right to have friends’ in the CRC?

Do all the people in the clubs and groups you belong to have to be your friend?

The list below is what is needed for you to enjoy the right to get together and join up with other children and young people.

  • Clubs, organisations and groups that are near to you or can be accessed safely.
  • Groups and organisations that have fun and appropriate activities.
  • Safe places to meet.
  • Choice of clubs in school.
  • Encouragement from parents and carers to get involved.
  • Activities to join in with that do not disrupt the rights of others.
  • Freedom to start a group if there is something you feel strongly about.
  • Clubs and organisations should not be too expensive to join.

Possible Follow up activities

(Early Level)

Think about a group or club you are part of. Create a poster or leaflet to encourage other people to join. Can you write a sentence why it is a good idea to join this group?

(First Level)

Imagine you are meeting a new child for the first time – it could be in a club or in your class. Make a list of questions you would like to find out to get to know them. What would you tell them about yourself?

Think of your favourite places to meet up with other young people. What makes for a place good for children/young people to get together?

(Second Level)

During these times it can be difficult to stay in touch with other young people and groups that we are part of. Make a list of 5 children that you would like to get in contact with. Write them a letter or video call them this week to find out how their week has been..

Research “Mosquito devices” (sonic anti-loitering devices) and what the purpose of these is? How do these relate to your rights? Should they be banned? Discuss with someone at home or with a friend online.

Extension Activity

Working with somebody at home, or by yourself, see if you can come up with a catchy phrase to remind people that all children have this particular right. Pass on your phrase to at least 5 people you know. You could design a poster and share it with us on twitter and tag us  @WoodlandsCnauld.

Reflection/Pupil Voice

Time to get your thinking hats on!

This week’s article is all about being with others but it is good for us sometimes to have reflection time on our own. Find some space and time and spend a few minutes thinking about these questions:

1. Not being able to be with others physically in our groups and clubs is hard. What are the things you miss most about this? (Perhaps discuss this with an adult or a friend).
2. Who are the adults who help to run your groups or clubs? Have you thanked them recently?
3. Hopefully all our groups, clubs and activities will happen again when it’s safe to do so. What will you do to enjoy, celebrate and respect freedom of association – yours and other peoples?

Click on the link. Hopefully we will al be ‘Together’ soon.

Let’s finish with Mr Green’s favourite assembly song.



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