August 13, 2020
by Mr Green

Full Pupil Return

On Friday all pupils return to Woodlands Primary School.

We have thoroughly enjoyed having the children in school over the last two days. Please remember to only arrive at the gate at your allocated coloured zone. This will help us adhere to the Scottish Governments advice regarding social distancing (2 metres). Also, could we please ask that if possible people refrain from smoking where children are passing.

We will continue with our staggered start and finish time. With children that starting at either 9:00am or 9:10am and collected at 3:00am or 3:10am.

Classes that should attend at 9:00 (At allocated gate from 8:55) are:
Primary 1 – Miss Donald Start time – 9:00am (Green Zone)
Primary 2 – Mrs Lang Start time – 9:00am (Red Zone)
Primary 4 – Mrs Maher – Start time – 9:00am (Blue Zone)
Primary 5 – Miss Nimmo Start time – Start time – 9:00am (Yellow Zone)
Primary 5/6 – Miss Donaldson – Start time – 9:00am (Yellow Zone)
Primary6/7 – Mrs Pollock – Start time – 9:00am (Blue Zone)

Classes that should attend at 9:10 (At allocated gate from 9:05) are:
Primary 1/2 – Miss Murray Start time – 9:10am (Green Zone)
Primary 2/3 – Mrs Lennon – Start time – 9:10am (Red Zone)
Primary 3 – Mrs Bellamy Start time – 9:10am (Yellow Zone)
Primary 4/5 – Mrs Macleod – Start time – 9:10am (Blue Zone)
Primary 6/7 Miss McEwan – Start time – 9:10am (Blue Zone)
Primary 7 – Miss Park – Start time – 9:10 am (Yellow Zone)

Nursery children should be dropped off at 8:45 and picked up at 3.15pm
White Zone: Nursery Drop off and collection.

Thank you for your support.

August 11, 2020
by Mr Green

School Entry

Children must enter the school grounds through the following zones. They are not allowed to cross into or through any other coloured zones. Parents are not permitted within the school grounds including the carpark. We would advise that children arrive 5 minutes prior to their start time and that parents leave promptly after their children enter. Staff will be in each of the playgrounds to support the children and SMT will be at the gates to support them in entering.

Green Zone: Primary 1 – Miss Donald  Start time – 9:00am

Primary 1/2 – Miss Murray  Start time – 9:10am


Red Zone: Primary 2 – Mrs Lang  Start time – 9:00am

Primary 2/3 – Mrs Lennon – Start time – 9:10am


Yellow Zone: Primary 3 – Mrs Bellamy Start time – 9:10am

Primary 5 – Miss Nimmo Start time – Start time – 9:00am

Primary 5/6 – Miss Donaldson – Start time – 9:00am

Primary 7 – Miss Park – Start time – 9:10 am


Blue Zone: Primary 4 – Mrs Maher – Start time – 9:00am

Primary 4/5 – Mrs Macleod – Start time – 9:10am

Primary6/7 – Mrs Pollock – Start time – 9:00am

Primary 6/7 Miss McEwan – Start time – 9:10am


White Zone: Nursery Drop off and collection.

Children that start at 9:00 can be collected at 3:00. Children that start at 9:10 can be collected from 3:10.

Children must enter through the zone indicated in their letter.

Children will stand in the circles outside of their class.

The classrooms are all cleaned and ready for the children to return tomorrow.

Children will be given a working pack to ensure that they have access to all the educational resources that they need.

Remember that this week is slightly different.

Wednesday – Primary 1-3 (Primary 1 – 10:00am -2:00pm) One P1 parent can enter the playgound on this day with their child.

Thursday – Primary 1, 4,5, 6 and 7 (Primary 1 – 10:00 am – 2:00pm)

Friday – All pupils return 

Breakfast Club – Woodlands Primary school currently does not have a breakfast club due to staffing. We hope to have this up and running as quickly as possible.


August 10, 2020
by Mr Green

NLC – Back to School

Please show your child this cartoon North Lanarkshire have made to let them know about some changes that have taken place at school before they go back this week. There will be lots of help and support from teachers and staff if your child wants to talk about any worries they may have.

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