January 11, 2021
by Mr Green

Microsoft Teams

Current access to Microsoft Teams this morning is intermittent and we are aware of issues logging on and accessing assignments that teachers have uploaded. This is an issue affecting Teams platforms in Scotland nationally. Remember that we have issued home learning packs. If online issues continue please revert to using the packs in the meantime.

Thank You

January 8, 2021
by Mr Green

Online Learning

Online learning will start on Monday 11th of January using Microsoft Teams, as is usual for the first week after the holidays we will have a few days of consolidation before starting to learn new things. Each day the teacher will post a literacy and maths lesson and will be available throughout the day to offer support and encouragement, in addition to this there will be regular health and well being lessons and challenges. The whole school will be learning about Scotland using the grids posted on their class blog, this will allow families to learn together. We are also taking part in Outdoor Learning Lockdown Challenge with the other schools in our cluster – it will be lovely to see all of our staff and pupils trying to complete as many challenges as possible and sharing their photos. From Monday 18th teachers will begin to post teaching videos on Teams (1 literacy and 1 numeracy), these will not be live lessons which allows children to access these at a time that suits. In addition to the work set by school, all children can access the NLC Digital School and login details will be sent out on Monday. PE is an important part of school life and we would encourage as many as possible to take part in PE with Joe Wicks every day – staff included!  If you have not already collected your learning pack with jotters, pencils and some worksheet activities the please call into the school between 10am and 12noon on Monday or Tuesday.

January 5, 2021
by Mr Green

Key Worker and Vulnerable Children attending School

From tomorrow, any children of key workers and those who have been identified to attend school should enter via the main entrance at 9am and be collected from the main gate at 3pm. Applications for key worker children must be made online however NLC have stated in their email that a verification letter from your employer must be provided, this can be photographed and emailed to ht@woodlands.n-lanark.sch,uk or sent in with your child.

I have also been asked to remind you that this provision should only be used as a last resort and that key worker status should apply to both parents, furthermore children should only attend when you are at work which may result in some children only attending part time.

We look forward to welcoming all of our children back as soon as the Government announce that it is safe to do so. Should you require any further support, advice or information then please do not hesitate to contact the school or email.

January 5, 2021
by Mr Green
1 Comment

Home Learning Update

Online learning will commence from Monday 11th of January and continue until 1st of February. Online learning packs will be issued from tomorrow at the designated times, please remember to socially distance and wear face masks. These will be issued from the main entrance.

January 4, 2021
by Mr Green

Arrangements for Collecting Learning Packs

Please see the timetable below which indicates when you should come to school to collect your child’s home learning pack, if you have more than one child you will be able to collect them all at the one time. All packs will be issued from the main door.

Primary 1 – Wednesday 6th of January 11.00am – 12.00noon
Primary 2 – Wednesday 6th of January 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Primary 3 – Thursday 7th of January 11.00am – 12.00noon
Primary 4 – Thursday 7th of January 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Primary 5 – Friday 8th of January 9.30am – 10.30am
Primary 6 – Friday 8th of January 11.15am – 12.15pm
Primary 7 – Friday 8th of January 1.30pm – 2.30pm

December 22, 2020
by Mr Green

2021 January Update

We appreciate that for many of you the last few days will have been stressful following the announcements for school in the new year. Rest assured planning is already well underway to ensure we meet the needs of all children.

School will open on Wednesday 6th of January for a small number of pupils. Where both parents are key workers provision is available and should be applied for using the link sent by NLC. This link can also be found below. I would kindly remind parents that this provision should only be used as a last resort.

Following  the latest Scottish Government announcement  regarding changes to school arrangements after the Christmas break, North Lanarkshire have issued a letter to all parents. This is attached on the link below.

Parental Update Letter

The letter contains information for parents who are Key Workers. If you are a Key Worker and require your children to be at school you should complete the form below and return it to keyworkerschools@northlan.gov.uk.

Keyworkers School/ELC request form

Online learning for all pupils will commence from Monday 11th of January. All pupils will be issued a learning pack (collection times to be issued in the new year) and learning will also be issued daily using Teams in a similar way to homework. This will allow the teacher and pupils to communicate directly with each other. Nursery children will be set daily challenges through their learning journal.

We are all disappointed that we cannot return to school as planned however we look forward to welcoming all the children as soon as it is safe to do so.

Best Wishes,

Woodlands Primary School


December 22, 2020
by Mr Green

End of school day

Reminder that today to avoid all children leaving at the same time children that start at 9:00 will finish at 2:20 and children that start at 9:10 will finish at 2:30.

All nursery children finish at 2:30.

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