October 8, 2021
by Mr Green

Assembly Awards

Well done to our fabulous Star pupils.

Great effort and application from our Top Dogs this week.

Well done P5 a well earned Cool Class Cup treat.

September 23, 2021
by Mr Green

Assembly Awards

Well done to our assembly Awards winners this week.

Well done to our respectful

hard working Star Pupils.

Great effort from this years first ‘Top Dog’ certificate winners. Great effort on Sumdog to answer questions correctly.


Remember the Sumdog Maths Week contest starts tomorrow.


September 15, 2021
by Mr Green

Menu change Thursday 16th September







On Thursday 16th September the kitchen are running a Pirate themed menu.


Red Band – Pirate Boat Pizza with Cave Wedges!

Green Band – Sea Dogs  and Cave Wedges (Also available with Quorn Sausage as a vegetarian option)

Soup – Skull and Crossbones broth (Vegetable  soup)


Desert Island Surprise (Artic roll and fruit)

All served with a Parrot’s Punch (diluting juice)

September 10, 2021
by Mr Green

Wet Mornings

On wet mornings like the one experienced yesterday some parents and children got very wet while waiting for the 9:10 entry. In future, we will attempt to open doors early once 9:00 children have entered the building.

However, this will only be in instances of heavy rain.

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