August 23, 2022
by Mr Green

School Lunches/Tuckshop

Today our new Primary 1 pupils were given a school payments letter.


As a local authority North Lanarkshire Council are taking cash out of the process of paying for school meals/tuckshop/snacks.

For you to use the online payment service, you need to register with MyAccount, the simple and secure sign-in service for accessing online public services in Scotland. It provides people living in Scotland with the ability to set up an online account and use it – using a single user name and password to access a growing range of online public services.

Click here to register for Online payments

A reminder that children from Primary 1 to Primary 5 are entitled to receive a free lunch.


If you think you qualify for a free school meal or clothing grant you can apply using the following link.

Free meal/clothing grant

August 22, 2022
by Mr Green

Woodlands Tuck Shop

The  kitchen Tuckshop will run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:15.


Toast/Cheesy Toast 25p

Pop Oats – 65p

Popcorn – 65p

Fruit – 40p

Raisins – 20p

Milk – 20p

Flapjack/biscuit/cake – 25p


August 16, 2022
by Mr Green

Welcome Back

We hope you have all had a fantastic summer and look forward to welcoming everyone back to school and nursery tomorrow (Wednesday 17th August).


Breakfast club: Children attending breakfast club should enter through the main door no earlier than 8:15 as there is no adult supervision before this time.

Playgrounds: Parents are not permitted in the playgrounds during morning drop off. Parents are permitted to enter school playgrounds at the end of the school day to pick up children from classes. All gates and playgrounds will be supervised from 8.45am.

Free School Meals: Primary 1 – Primary 5 are entitled to a free school meal.

Primary 1: Pupils start at 10 am tomorrow and will line up at their class door. Primary 1 parents are invited to come in at  2:30 to  visit the classroom and take photos.

June 28, 2022
by Mr Green

Wednesday 29th June

School and nursery will close for the holidays tomorrow (Wednesday 29th of June) at 1pm. There will be no lunch break however all children who are entitled to a free school meal will be able to order a snack to go.

June 24, 2022
by Mr Green

Final Day

School and nursery will close for the holidays on Wednesday 29th of June at 1pm. There will be no lunch break however all children who are entitled to a free school meal will be able to order a snack to go. The children in the nursery will enjoy a picnic lunch that day. We will be assembling our guard of honor to bid farewell to our P7 pupils, classes will gather in the junior playground (where the outdoor class and nursery outdoor area are) at 12.55 and parents are welcome to come along to join the celebration. The Woodlands Water fight is back!!!

June 23, 2022
by Mr Green

Whole School Trip

We are delighted that the whole school from nursery to primary 7 will be enjoying a trip to Edinburgh Zoo on Monday 27th of June. Children should wear their school jumper and polo shirt and should bring their packed lunch and a small snack in a disposable bag. All children who receive a free school meal can order a packed lunch in advance from the school kitchen, forms will be distributed nearer the time. The trip will be fully funded by the school and there is no cost to parents. Children should not bring any money with them on the day as they will not be visiting the shop. All school staff will be attending on the day along with our teaching students.

June 20, 2022
by Mr Green

Woodlands Muga Project

We have received information regarding the upgrade of our Sports Pitch.

The project will start in July 2022.

North Lanarkshire Council have invested in the upgrade of the redundant red blaes pitch
within the school grounds. The space will now host
• a 30m by 15m multi use games area (MUGA),
• a polymeric covered 60m running track,
• a smaller tarmacked area with basketball hoop, and
• the remaining blaes will be covered in grass with new nine a side socket goals
• The MUGA will have two full sized basketball hoops and four cross court mini goals.
• The line painting within the MUGA will incorporate basketball, netball and football
The MUGA will have public access from the top end of the court, only outwith school hours.

Public Access
This public access gate will be closed during school hours. The community access will see
local clubs and families in the area benefit from free access to the MUGA.
The build is due to start in July 2022 and will be completed by September 2022.
We hope the investment will improve educational attainment by complimenting the physical
education curriculum and support one of North Lanarkshire’s ambitions ‘to encourage the
health and wellbeing of people, through a range of social, cultural and leisure activities.’

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