Fairtrade Fortnight


Today at assembly, the Eco committee introduced Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on Monday and runs for two weeks.

ARTICLE 27 – every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs.

There will be special activities throughout the two weeks including

  • homework competition
  • fairtrade house tokens for children with Fairtrade snacks
  • Fairtrade tuckshop every day at playtime
  • Fairtrade activities in class.

homework competition

each child needs to design a Fairtrade tea/coffee/hot chocolate cup. The winning design will win 10,000 house points. This needs to be finished and returned to teachers by the 8th March.


Fairtrade house tokens

Samantha designed these EPIC Fairtrade house tokens and they will be given to children who bring in Fairtrade snacks during Fairtrade fortnight.

Fairtrade tuckshop

To support Fairtrade cocoa farmers, we will be selling Freddo, Fudge, Kit Kats and Maltesers during Fairtrade Fortnight. Prices range from 30 p to 60 p

We would appreciate your support during Fairtrade Fortnight, especially to encourage and help children with their Homework competition. This helps keep the children focused on the importance of ethical and fair trading.





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