Celebrating Chinese New Year

World Traditions and Festivals

The children in P6 learned the story behind the Chinese traditions for new year and the Chinese zodiac. They enjoyed creating lanterns and dragon puppets. On Friday they received fortune cookies and were interested in the fortune slips  hoping for good luck.

PE Kit Reminder

Indoor PE is on Wednesdays and P6 outdoor PE is on Thursdays. It would be helpful to have suitable clothing for winter weather if possible please on Thursdays. The children are improving their personal fitness and stamina.

Enjoying Maths along with indoor and outdoor P.E.

Kyle remembered learning about decimals being less than a whole and he enjoyed improving his basketball skills this week.

John liked the visit from the P7s when they told us about their personal projects on famous Scots, especially the one about Sir Alex Ferguson.

Alyssa learned how to round decimals to the nearest whole number and creating Islamic indpired art.



Recitals, World of Work, Fitness and History

P6 – Varied and Rich Learning Experiences

Monday in P6 saw the children learn from a visitor about the skills needed to a run a business and they had the experience of decorating cupcakes.


Personal Fitness

The children participated well in a fitness session where they practiced skills of speed and agility. Many of them would like to improve their fitness.

People’s Palace Visit

People’s Palace provided a rich learning environment for the children this week. They learned about living, working and health conditions in Glasgow and the West of Scotland. They were impressed by the Billy Connolly Art Collection as well as with his iconic banana boots.

Scottish Topic

This week sees the end of the Scottish topic. The children have enjoyed learning about their ancestry and local history. The topic encouraged them to learn from their families about Scotland in the past. There will be a whole school assembly celebrating the work of our famous Bard Robert Burns. P6 will recite To a Mouse and their performance will be posted on the blog for their friends and family to enjoy.






Fractions, Healthy Pizzas and Scottish Culture

Healthy Cooking and Taught Writing

P6 have had a busy and diverse week beginning with cooking on Monday then writing instructions with clear steps to follow.

Burns and Scots Songs

This week the children have been learning To A Mouse and are perfecting their recital for the special Burn’s Assembly on Friday 29/1/16. Three super singers from P6 led the songs for the school.


Week Beginning 25/1/16

Monday – cupcake decortating along with following and writing instructions.  Future X session.

 Wednesday –  School Trip. Please bring packed lunch and wear school uniform on top half.

Friday Burn’s assembly. Be your best. Practise! Practise!

Reporting, Baking and Reciting


Photographs by Sophie

Following and Writing Instructions

On Monday the children discussed how to make empire biscuits. They then wrote and followed sequenced instructions. Later they thoroughly enjoyed eating them! 

Young Reporters

The children of P6 have already immersed themselves in to their learning  and have interviewed some family members about life when they were young.  Holly and Elise have recorded the interviews using their phones and through notes. Ryan, Alyssa, Dylan and Isla, along with all the other children in the class, listened to, watched or read the news every night to practise reading skills for non-fiction text. They made notes with subheadings on the theme and used bullet points too. Good job everyone. There was a wide variety of news recorded including the deaths of David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

Burns Competition

P6 are learning the poem To a Mouse and will perform this together at a Burn’s assembly on 29/1/16. They have also been drawing a portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie and some class winners will be chosen to enter a Cumbernauld competition.

Good to Be Me

Amarra and Darcy demonstrated their dancing skills in front of the children at the assembly on Friday. Amarra performed Irish dancing and wore a beautiful traditional dress. Darcy enjoyed performing hip hop with her friend from P5/6.Well done girls!


Super Start to 2016


The children in P6 came back to school full of great Christmas stories and news. Happy New Year to all of our pupils and their families.

We enjoyed learning about a Scottish inventor, Alexander Bain, this week and why he was being awarded an Emmy on the 8/1/16. Mr Bain was born in Caithness in 1810 and is buried in a cemetery in Kirkintilloch. He made technical advances by inventing the electric clock, facsimile machine and technology for image transmission. So he was awarded the Emmy for helping create T.V. The children read this report to develop their reading skills using non-fiction texts.

The class also enjoyed learning more about symmetry and created their own symmetrical designs.

Term 3 – PE and Outdoor Learning

This term P6 children will have Outdoor Learning on Tuesdays and indoor PE on Wednesdays. They will need suitable clothing each day to take part. On Tuesdays they should bring warmer clothes and waterproof jackets in case on inclement weather.

Christmas Festivities in P6

The children began their week with the P6 and 7 Christmas party on Monday and some won prizes for the games and dancing.


We learned how to shop within a budget and how to save money by selecting different retailers to buy from.

We have been using language skills to summarise a storyline and illustrated it in a director’s storyboard.

For Health and Wellbeing we learned some Scottish dances including the Gay Gordons, the St.Bernard’s Waltz and the Canadian Barn Dance. P5/6 and P6 had fun practicing together.

It’s Nearly Christmas

The Christmas holidays begin at 2.30pm on Tuesday the 22nd of December. We hope that all of the children and their families have a super holiday, that Santa is good to them  and that they come back to school refreshed on Wednesday the 6th of January 2016.

Loaded Learning and Pitch Perfect Performance

Thank you to all of the parents and friends who came to see our Christmas concert. I’m sure that you’re very proud of the children and hope that you enjoyed it. Well done P6 children. 


Cara beamed,” I learned how to get over my stage fright this week.”

Christmas Party on Monday 14th of December

Please remember to bring your party clothes to change in to at lunchtime. A fun packed agenda is already planned for you.

Mathemagicians – P6 used ipads to shop within budget.


Kyle learned, “how to choose items to buy for my family within a budget.”

Robyn and Dylan like rounding to the nearest pound before counting up amounts to keep to budget.

Adam said,”I think it’s easier to round then count.”



The children have been given passwords and usernames to play this Maths game at home and can download a free app to do that.

Holly B and John think it’s a fun way to learn and have happily answered lots of sums at home. Well done Sumdog players!

Busy Week for Learning and SINGING!

Well done to this weeks winners!

Dojo Winner                       Holly B

Certificate Winner          Dylan

We’ve been learning…

P6 children have been comparing the climates and geography of Scotland and Australia and learned that there are 6 global climate categories. Scotland has a temperate climate whereas Australia had 4 different climate zones.

James said, “I learned that there are 6 climates in the world. Scotland’s is temperate.”


“The six times table was tricky but I just kept practising it,” enthused Zari.

“I’m better at reading timetables now and can tell the minutes between times,” Sophie commented.

Please remember your costumes for Monday’s dress rehearsal: a Christmas top, black trousers or skirt and black shoes. Dancers remember white tops and tinsel.

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