All posts by Miss Cliff

Our Friday Blog

It has been another very busy week in Primary 1a. We have learned lots of amazing new things.

” I have learned that the big hand has to point to 12 for o’clock” – Millie.

“I have learned that 1 add 1 makes 2” – Harvey.

“I have learned how to read and spell go, got and get”  – Keilidh.

“I have learned to have my hands ready and good looking eyes to help me catch a ball” – Alfie.

“I have been trying hard to make my letters sit on the line” – Olivia.

“I have been trying hard to remember finger spaces” – Malaika.

“I have been working really hard to get better at skipping” – Kayla.

Our dojo champion this week was Millie. Millie was also our effective contributor. She got a certificate for working well as part of a team. Well done Millie!

A great way to finish off our week was finding out that we are class of the week beacuse we earned the most Me Time tickets. This is our second time winning this award so our treat is to have a movie afternoon. We are so excited!IMG_0952


Friday Blog

This has been a busy week and we have worked very hard. We have been busy learning lots of new things.

“I have learned how to make my letters sit on the line” – Samantha.

“I have worked hard to remember to use finger spaces” – Harvey.

“I have learned which letters are tall and which letters are small” – Hannah.

“I know that 1 add 1 makes 2” – Carmen.

“I have learned that half of 4 is 2” – Louie.

“I have learned that some toys need batteries to make them move” – Marcus.

Well done to Hannah who was our Dojo champion this week!

Sofian was our responsible citizen this week for helping to keep our cloakroom tidy.



We worked very hard this afternoon to create fantastic puppets. We followed our design sheet very carefully and chose suitable materials. I’m sure you will agree that the finished products are amazing!