Another Week Over

Well done to Hannah who was our dojo champion this week. She worked very hard to earn the most points.

Leah was our Effective Contributor this week for sharing her knowledge and ideas with the class. Well done!

“I enjoyed reading my new book called Playing Skittles” – Carmen.

“I learned about the ‘ch’ sound this week and I know that the word chips has that sound in it” – Millie.

“I liked trying to move in different ways around the gym hall on Monday” – Alfie.

“I really enjoyed making a dragon for Chinese New Year” – Olivia.

“I enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year during assembly” – Logan.

“I know that the word cherries has our new sound in it” – Cameron.

Writing Instructions

We have been learning how to write instructions. We know that instructions should have a title, a list of things we will need and it is really important to put the steps in the right order.

Look at us working hard writing instructions for how to make salt dough.


Weekly Winners

A big well done to Louie who was our class dojo champion on Friday. He worked very hard to earn lots of points.

Alfie was our Responsible Citizen this week for sharing his experiences of school with the nursery children when they came to visit. Well done Alfie!