Tag Archives: sparklers

Fire Safety Talk

Primaries 1 to 5 had a visit from the fire brigade today. They came to speak to us about fire safety and Guy Fawkes. These are the important messages we learned about:

We learned that if our clothes set on fire we should. STOP! DROP! ROLL! Ask us to show you how we do it.

If someone is hosting a bonfire, do not throw anything in it.

It’s a bad idea to hide in a bonfire, if someone lights it when you’re inside, you might get burned.

If you drop a sparkler do not pick it up again.

Put your pets inside on Bonfire night.

Don’t play near a fire.

Don’t go too close to it either.

Don’t make prank calls. The firemen might miss a real fire.

Make sure fire is in a safe place and away from your house.

Wear gloves when holding a sparkler.

Wear suitable clothes if going to a fire or fireworks display. This helps keep you safe.

The children of P4a