Tag Archives: kilbowieblog

Thursday morning

Can’t believe that this is our last full day at Kilbowie!  It’s gone so fast.  The children had a brilliant day yesterday – despite one or two really heavy rain showers.  There were all kinds of activities on the go – skiing, kayaking, canoeing, climbing, gorge-walking, tree-climbing and safari to name just a few.  The teachers all joined in too – Mr. Clark and Miss Grenfell scaled the heights of the climbing tree, Mrs Kelso and Mrs Bradshaw braved the gorge (although seemed to spend most of the time in the water), and Mrs Kearney found a talent for abseiling.  The children also talked Mr. Clark into jumping from the jetty into the sea.  Let’s just say he did it for the first and most definitely the last time!

It’s always very busy in the morning after breakfast as teams move about the building to collect the gear that they need for the activity – wetsuits, buoyancy aids, helmets, ropes etc.  The children are learning to be really responsible for the equipment, helping to check it’s used safely and put away properly.

Last night’s meal was Macaroni Cheese or omelette served with chunky chips and crusty bread.  Desert was apple sponge and custard.  It seems to have been the most popular dinner so far.

It’s a bright, clear morning at the moment and the children are getting ready for breakfast.  They are all raring to go for their last activities and so excited about their disco tonight.

It was difficult to get the photographs on last night as the internet is quite slow here, but I hope they gave you a wee taster of what to enjoy from the proper pics the staff take.

Wednesday morning!

Good morning everyone.  We can’t believe we’re half way through the week already – it’s going so quickly.  It’s a bit drizzly today but that won’t stop us taking part in all of the normal activities.  Everyone slept like a log like last night and are now raring to go.  Most of the children are in the games room for a pre-breakfast game of Table tennis.  Don’t know where they get their energy from.

Tuesday at Kilbowie

Sorry for the lack of updates today – I know you will have been checking the computer all of time to hear how we’re getting on.  It’s been such a fun-packed day, this is the first time we’ve had to blog.

After a hearty-breakfast of cereal, toast, porridge (if wanted) and hot cups of tea, the children met with their instructors for their morning activity.  The weather was beautiful, clear blue skies and hardly any wind.  Two groups headed off to the Gorge Walking with Mr. Clark and Mrs. Kelso.  It was cold at first, but we soon got used to the water.  We walked up a wide river which ended in an amazing rock pool with waterfalls.  Lots of the children jumped in, swam around and even went under the waterfall – if they could swim hard enough!  Can you believe that some of the children were splashing poor Mr. Clark on purpose!!

Mrs Kearney and Miss Grenfell went on the adventure walk with one of the groups.  They hiked for two hours in the hills overlooking the centre and had the most amazing views of Kerrera and beyond!

Mrs Bradshaw headed to the dry ski slope with her children and said some of the children were absolute naturals and were soon whizzing down from the very top.

Lunch time arrived and we all tucked into sandwiches, crisps, fresh-fruit and fruit juice before heading off on the afternoon activities.  Mr. Clark and Miss Grenfell went kayaking with one group, Mrs Kearney and her group took the sea in a huge sail boat while Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Kelso went rock-climbing and abseiling with their children.  All of the adults have commented on how well the children have participated in the activities -everyone has done everything they’ve been asked to do with enthusiasm.  We’re doing Tannochside proud!

Dinner was fish or mince with potatoes followed by jelly.  Very tasty!  We completed our log books , had tuck and then took part in the evening activity.  It was the Kilbowie Scavenger hunt.  All of the children had to work in their groups to find something from around the grounds that started with every letter of the alphabet but it had to fit in a rucksack.  The children raced of the collect items and the teachers took part in their own team.  At the end of the evening, the teachers scored a grand total of 26 but were disqualified for going into the dining room which was out of bounds for the game.  They were not pleased!

Supper was sandwiches and juice and then the children headed for bed, tired but happy after a good day at Kilbowie.

Monday evening!

It’s been a fun packed evening tonight!  After dinner and a  pudding of chocolate cake or fresh fruit, the children had time to start their log-books and buy some sweets from the tuck shop!  After a bit of time in the games room (and some children heading back up to finish unpacking), it was time for the evening activity.

The children split into teams for a Treasure hunt. Each team was given a card with a picture of a location around Kilbowie. The children had to find it and find the answer to a puzzle there. After that, it was time for the Airport game, where children had to locate different airport destinations posted around the grounds. There was lots of running and shouting – so everyone should sleep tonight. The teachers are certainly ready for their bed!!!

It’s supper time in a short while – sandwiches and some juice. We’re certainly being well fed here!

I’ll try and post again tomorrow and hopefully get some pics up too!

We’ve Arrived!

Hi everyone.

We arrived at Kilbowie around 1.15pm. The weather here is lovely and bright – it was raining a bit earlier but the sky is blue again.

The children have all been allocated their rooms and everyone seems quite happy with their room-mates. After a lunch of filled-rolls and crisps, the first job was making beds – some people managed to do it better than others!!  After a quick practice of the fire drill, everyone was issued their kit.

The children are now out on an activity with their instructor – some have headed for the beach, others for an explore of the grounds and others have gone to jump in the sea. No matter the activity though, they’ve headed off with a smile on their face.

Dinner tonight is Pasta and Meatballs or Vegetable Crumble. Sounds yum!

Please leave a comment to say hello!

The Night Before Kilbowie

Tomorrow morning the Primary 7’s will set off for an amazing week at Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban.

Pupils should arrive via the main entrance between 8.20am and 8.50am.  Breakfast club is available as normal.  Parents are welcome to join us in the hall.  We will depart as soon as possible – ideally by9.30am.

P7’s, don’t forget to check you have everything you need, have a good night’s sleep and a light breakfast.