Category Archives: Primary 5

Eco Warrior – Recycling in the Dining Hall

As a school, we have been recycling paper and card for years as part of our effort to be Eco-friendly.  The Eco-Warrior committee is taking this good work one step further by introducing recycling bins into the dining hall.  Children can now recycle plastic cartons and bottles, yoghurt pots, tin foil and much more.

The Eco Warriors are helping out in the dining hall with the sorting of the litter.  This will take us one step closer to earning our Green Eco Flag.

Fire Safety Visit

Two local Fire fighters came along to assembly last week to talk to the children about fire safety in preparation for Bonfire Night.  They spoke about what to wear to keep safe and advised us to attend professional, organised fireworks displays.  They had a very entertaining presentation involving some of the pupils dressing up as fire fighters.  Our two work experience students also demonstrated Stop-Drop-Roll techniques dressed in fire fighter’s uniforms.