Category Archives: Primary 4

Staff Update

It is with mixed emotions that we announce some changes to the staffing at Tannochside Primary from August 2012.

Mrs. Denney, our current Depute Head Teacher will be taking early retirement after a teaching career spanning over 30 years.  We wish her all the best for a long and happy retirement.

Mrs. Henderson, a class teacher currently filling a Support for Learning role, will also take early retirement after a long career too.  Our best wishes also go with her for a long and healthy future.

We are also sad to announce that Mrs. Paterson will be moving on as she has been appointed Head Teacher at Mossend Primary School in Bellshill.  We know that she will make a wonderful Head Teacher!

Mr. Clark has been successful at interview to fill one of the Depute Head vacancies and Mrs. Shirley Queen from Allanton Primary, the other DHT vacancy.

Also, we are sad to announce that Miss Weir, Miss Ogston and Miss Baillie from the Nursery will also be leaving us at the summer.

Good wishes also go to Miss Bhopal who will be leaving Tannochside after 8 years to move to London.

Mrs Kearney has successfully secured a permanent teaching position with us – we are delighted that she will now remain at Tannochside.  We are also delighted to announce that Miss Grenfell will be returning to Tannochside after securing a permanent post too.

The Sun has got it’s hat on…

We are all enjoying the lovely weather at the moment and many of the classes are working outside to make the most of it while it lasts.

The forecast says it’s due to last into next week.  It would be a good idea for children:

1. To wear a sunhat or cap to school (no football brands).

2. To get some sunscreen applied before coming to school, and maybe bringing some with them to put on themselves later on.

3. To bring a water bottle to school, filled with fresh water.

Easter Bonnet Competition

Today was our annual Easter Bonnet Parade.  All of the children were asked to create an Easter bonnet, crown or hat at home to wear to our service.  Each class selected a winner who was awarded with the prize of a chocolate Easter egg.

All of the pupils who entered put in a lot of effort – every idea was different and unique and so much time and thought had gone into making each one special.  Well done and thank you for making it so much fun!

World Book Day

Thursday March 1st was World Book Day.  Every pupil received a £1 gift voucher which they can use towards a book in most high-street book shops.

To celebrate this day, everyone was invited to dress up as their favourite book character.  A winner for best costume was chosen from each stage – they received a book and bookmark as a prize.  The staff also held a competition – Mr. Clark won for his Mr. Bump costume!

Thank you to everyone who worked together to make this such a memorable day.  Special thanks to Mrs. Fleck who organised it!

Library Books

With the help of some parents we are trying to re-organise our library and locate the books we have on our system.

If you have any old School Library Books lying around your house could you please return them to the school-no questions asked!

There will be a box in the library for all books to put into at a time convenient to the class. Thank you for your assistance with this.