Category Archives: Primary 4

Rebecca Adlington Visit

What a special day it was on Wednesday. We were invited to host a visit from Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer Rebecca Adlington. She was visiting Lanarkshire as part of her new swimming scheme and as a Commonwealth Games ambassador.

The children were all very excited in the lead up to her visit. Many of the classes prepared questions to ask her. The questions were quite thoughtful and Rebecca was able to give lots of information about her life as a competitive swimmer.

It was truly a special occasion, one that we will remember for a long time.

Golden Day 2013

Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the annual Golden Day to celebrate their excellent behaviour throughout the year.  Children who had earned their gold award took part all day, silver children joined in from interval and bronze pupils enjoyed the afternoon activity.

We had a whole range of activities in the morning:

  • Face-painting, tattoos, hairspray and nail bar.
  • Cake decorating
  • iPad games
  • Giant outdoor games and the assault course
  • Birds of Prey display.

In the afternoon, we were entertained by a fabulous production of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Well done to all of the children who followed the Golden Rules this year to earn their certificate.

Red Nose Day and World Book Day 2013

Today we supported a combined Comic Relief/World Book Day at Tannochside.  Everyone was asked to dress as a character from a book, or to dress down in something red to raise money which will be donated to Comic Relief.   Everyone got into the spirit, with some excellent ideas for costumes.  The staff held their own competition, with Miss O’Neill winning an excellent Red Reading Hamper.  Each class had a fancy dress winner, each receiving a World Book day book.  We finished the day with a fun assembly to celebrate our successes and to think about why we help towards this important charity.  Thank you to each family who donated.

Glasgow Music Festival

Our School choir performed on Monday at the Glasgow Music Festival in the City Halls.  Mr. Clark, Mrs. Fullerton and Mrs. Robertson from the office accompanied the children and were so impressed with their fabulous rendition of “Humpty Dumpty was a Wonderful Guy” and “Sing”.  It took a lot of courage to sing in such a grand venue, in front of all of the other choirs, but as usual, Tannochside rose to the occasion.  Thanks to Mrs. McGregor, our Kodaly teacher who also conducts the choir.

Something Fishy in P4!

Primary 4 have been looking after Brown Trout eggs while they develop into Fry.

Each day we were faced with real life problems as the children had to use ice packs to make sure that the temperature of the water stayed between 8 and 10 degrees.  We also had to clean out any debris and remove any dead eggs or fish.

The fish developed from eggs to early alevin and late alevin before becoming fry.  We didn’t need to feed the fish because they had a yolk sack from which they took their food.

Yesterday, we said goodbye to our little fish when some of us took them down to the River Clyde at Strathclyde Park.

Our fish have now started their new journey of life where they will need to fend for themselves in the river and look out for any predators.

Fruit Points.

Thanks to our partnership with Morrisons superstore in Bellshill, the children are enjoying a range of fruity delights when they win their classes fruit points.  The collection of fruit which the children can choose  from is greatly appreciated with some children selecting a bag with 3 or 4 different types of fruit.

Here you can see pictures  of last month’s winners but we would like to see some different faces each month.  We currently have 33% of the children bringing a healthy snack with them, but as a health promoting school we would like to at least double this figure.  Please continue to support us by packing a delicious, healthy snack for you child to enjoy.

Every time they bring a healthy snack, they can take a fruit point and every month a winner from each class is selected.