Category Archives: New

P7’s Bridge Creation

The P7’s have been working hard this week, working as a team, to create a bridge using art straws. They firstly investigated photos of bridges on the internet. Then designed their own on paper. As a team they selected the best ideas. Then they then worked as a team to create the bridge. They are all very proud of it!

Primary 6 Christmas party

Primary 6 had a great time at our Christmas party.  We danced the Gay Gordons, Millitary Two Step, St Bernard’s Waltz and The Canadian Barn Dance.  We also played some party games like Pass the Parcel, Corners and Musical Arms.  Then we had some refreshments and finished off with Best Dancer competition.  It was fantastic!  Please take a look at our photographs.

On the farm…

We have been learning about changing seasons through the context of a farm. Mrs McGregor has a friend who is a farmer on the Isle of Iona in Scotland. This week we wrote letters to Farmer John to ask him lots of questions. We hope he will reply to us soon and maybe send us some photographs.