Thursday morning

Can’t believe that this is our last full day at Kilbowie!  It’s gone so fast.  The children had a brilliant day yesterday – despite one or two really heavy rain showers.  There were all kinds of activities on the go – skiing, kayaking, canoeing, climbing, gorge-walking, tree-climbing and safari to name just a few.  The teachers all joined in too – Mr. Clark and Miss Grenfell scaled the heights of the climbing tree, Mrs Kelso and Mrs Bradshaw braved the gorge (although seemed to spend most of the time in the water), and Mrs Kearney found a talent for abseiling.  The children also talked Mr. Clark into jumping from the jetty into the sea.  Let’s just say he did it for the first and most definitely the last time!

It’s always very busy in the morning after breakfast as teams move about the building to collect the gear that they need for the activity – wetsuits, buoyancy aids, helmets, ropes etc.  The children are learning to be really responsible for the equipment, helping to check it’s used safely and put away properly.

Last night’s meal was Macaroni Cheese or omelette served with chunky chips and crusty bread.  Desert was apple sponge and custard.  It seems to have been the most popular dinner so far.

It’s a bright, clear morning at the moment and the children are getting ready for breakfast.  They are all raring to go for their last activities and so excited about their disco tonight.

It was difficult to get the photographs on last night as the internet is quite slow here, but I hope they gave you a wee taster of what to enjoy from the proper pics the staff take.

7 thoughts on “Thursday morning”

  1. Well Ross , jay and all the gang have a great last day and have a great night at you’re
    Disco Xxx

  2. Hello! To everyone at Kilbowie 🙂
    We have loved reading the blogs about all the fantastic activities you have been doing an am sure there is plenty more for you to fill us in on when your home! I’ve no idea which of the 2 dinner choices Dionne would have picked last night as omelette & macaroni cheese are 2 of her fave meals lol. Only 1more sleep for us mums n dad to get our cuddles tomorrow.
    Love mum, dad & Reece. xx

  3. Sounds like everyone is having a great time but I’m glad it’s the last day, can’t wait to see u tomorrow wee man, have fun at the disco and be good 😉 xxx

  4. Hi harle boy. Sounds great fun! Hope you are all enjoying yourselfs. Won’t be long untill yous are back now! Enjoy the disco tonight and will see you tomorrow luv mum,Amelia,nadia and your baby brother!! Xxx

  5. Hi harle boy. Sounds great fun! Hope you are all enjoying yourselfs. Won\’t be long untill yous are back now! Enjoy the disco tonight and will see you tomorrow luv mum,Amelia,nadia and your baby brother!! Xxx

  6. Hi David (Pupkis) Mum, Gran & Johnny boy all send their love & can’t wait to hear all about your super time at Kilbowie….Lots of lots from all the family …see you tomorrow xxxxx

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