Fire Safety Talk

Primaries 1 to 5 had a visit from the fire brigade today. They came to speak to us about fire safety and Guy Fawkes. These are the important messages we learned about:

We learned that if our clothes set on fire we should. STOP! DROP! ROLL! Ask us to show you how we do it.

If someone is hosting a bonfire, do not throw anything in it.

It’s a bad idea to hide in a bonfire, if someone lights it when you’re inside, you might get burned.

If you drop a sparkler do not pick it up again.

Put your pets inside on Bonfire night.

Don’t play near a fire.

Don’t go too close to it either.

Don’t make prank calls. The firemen might miss a real fire.

Make sure fire is in a safe place and away from your house.

Wear gloves when holding a sparkler.

Wear suitable clothes if going to a fire or fireworks display. This helps keep you safe.

The children of P4a

2 thoughts on “Fire Safety Talk”

  1. An excellent presentation from the fire service and all the children returned to school safe having followed all the safety instructions they learned! Fantastic effort everyone!

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