Thursday mid-morning

All’s well at Kilbowie – the wind is definitely dying down now and everyone is fine. We’re having a pyjama/onesie morning and we’ve just played a great teachers v pupils quiz. Of course, the teachers won (and there was no cheating – honest).

We’re now off to have a team-building challenge game, with lots of stations.  We’re not letting a wee bit of wind spoil our day!

See you soon!

4 thoughts on “Thursday mid-morning”

  1. Hi Lauryn !!!

    hope you’re having a fantastic time. Dad’s back from Spain, he got you a pressie!. Have lots of fun and we will see you on Friday. P.s Libby says Hi Lozza !

    Love Mum xxxx

  2. Glad 2 hear your still having fun – wish we could have had a pj day!!!
    Take care if you do get out – can’t believe you will be home 2moz

  3. Hi Lewis
    Hope you are did not let the teachers win the quiz this morning, hope you are eating well and enjoy your disco tonight.

    A bit windy down here too, enjoy you’re last day. see you tomorrow

    lots of love mum dad hayley and of course the two monsters tiger and tikkaxxxx

  4. Hey Shannon, home tomoz! Can’t wait,, enjoy ur disco tonight , and have a fab last nite , xxxxxxxx

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