Monday Night at Kilbowie

Hello everyone from a rather blustery Kilbowie!

We arrived safely at 1pm and enjoyed a lunch of filled rolls, fruit and crisps.  The children found out their activity groups, met their group leader for the week and found out their bedroom allocations.  Everyone seemed quite happy with the arrangements.  After the bed-making challenge (always a highlight for the teachers!)  the children met with their instructor to get their kit for the week and to do an activity.  For most of the groups this was an adventure walk around the grounds and surrounding beach area.

Would you believe that every group then got an opportunity to jump into the sea!  In December!  The children said it was cold, but were glad they had risen to the challenge.

A dinner of meatballs or pasta, followed by Caramel cake sound gave everyone some energy for the evening activity.

There was two activities tonight, the airport game, where the children have to find their way around the building following clues related to airports around the world, and then orienteering, which required the children to work in teams to identify landmarks around the grounds.  Despite the drizzle, the children had fun running around the place, trying to be first finished.

A light supper of sandwhiches and juice finished the evening off nicely.  The children are all now tucked up in bed, ready for the day ahead.

We’re second sitting for breakfast, which means we have to wait until 8.45am – but we’ll enjoy the cereal, toast and hot tea on offer.

Dinner tomorrow is either Chicken pasta or Vegetable bake with cuscus.  The raspberry muffin and ice-cream sound good too!

We’ll post again tomorrow – please leave comments for the children and we’ll read some out to them later on.

2 thoughts on “Monday Night at Kilbowie”

  1. morning shannon
    hope you had a great first night away, i seen that you got to jump into the sea, bet you enjoyed that? wee buddy is missing you loads, the house is soquiet without you, cant wait to see some pics of you all haivng fun, love and miss you millions, love mum dad scooby and wee buddy xxxxx

  2. Hi nadia sounds as if your having a great time… we miss you Harley said you have to come home now because he is fed up with Theo lol. Love mum and your bros. Xx

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