P5a Problem Solving

In Maths P5a are learning about shape – both 2D and 3D and their properties.  Our class teacher challenged us with some Problem Solving all about shape.  Our strategy for this was – We can work together, and therefore we worked as a team in co-operative groups to support each others learning.  Problem Solving was quite tricky but you can see from our photographs how eager we were to offer our answers.  Mrs. Fullerton thinks we are magic at maths and is very impressed with our team efforts.  Well done all!

5 thoughts on “P5a Problem Solving”

  1. in class sofar we have been learning 2d shape in maths it is great fun learning things with mrs fullerton we alwas have a fun time learning mrs fullerton puts in some fun while we work hard [;

  2. I’m really pleased to see everyone using their problem solving skills – they are so important for real life situations. It looks like everyone is having to think hard about the challenges, but I can see how much you are working as a team. Well done P5a!

  3. hi i am molly i loved my problem solving in class i wish we can do it again so thank you mrs fulerton i love problem solving.

  4. That problem solving was really hard but at least i got some correct and really fun so thank you Mrs.Fullerton.

  5. Well done Primary 5. Great team working. Mrs Fullerton has been telling me how well you have been doing with problem solving. I’ll have to come in and see you all in action!

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