P5a Glorious Art Gallery

In P5a we have been celebrating Robert Burns through our learning in a variety of ways.  These include; fluency, comprehension, poetry, art, singing and our personal projects.  We were challenged to sketch a mouse using drawing skills such as line, shape and shading inspired by Burn’s famous To a Mouse poem.  Our teacher thought it would be great fun and democratic (fair) for us all to secretly select our top three from our walk around Art Gallery.  We can’t name the lucky winners yet, as they will be announced at our Burn’s Assembly on Friday 25th January.  Please feel free to come along to find out who our lucky winners are and to enjoy our school tribute to Scotland’s famous bard.

21 thoughts on “P5a Glorious Art Gallery”

  1. Great mouse drawings love all of them mice holes lol fandabidosy can’t wait until winners are picked on friday we will be waring tartan.Singing scottish songs our song is jeanie mcall and our poem is first catch your haggis

  2. we had great fun learning about robert burns and we had great fun doing our mouses and we are looking forward to see who is the winner of the competition and we have got dress down day on friday 25th of january and you have to were a bit of tartan and we have been doing some projects on robert burns

  3. We really enjoyed making the mice and it was really hard but fun too.We really enjoyed learning about Robert Burns poems.We are reciting Jeanie Mc Coll and First Catch Your Haggis.

  4. I am having a really fun time learning about Robert Burns and learning his famous songs and poetry.

  5. I really enjoyed the art gallery it was a really good competition. I liked learning Bonnie Wee Jeanie McCall and first catch your haggis.

  6. i really enjoyed drawing the mouses and marking down the scores of witch i liked and i am really looking forward to seeing who the winner is 🙂

  7. i love learning about Robert Burns and his poetry.I also loved the art gallery compeition i also love learning about Jeanie M’call and learning first catch your haggis.

  8. I loved looking at all of our mice.It was so cool we picked 1st 2nd and 3rd.We are still waiting for the results.

  9. Amy and Kira-” We really liked drawing the Mice and learning the songs ‘Bonnie wee Jeanie McCall’ and ‘ First catch your haggis’ it was really fun and I can’t wait to learn more about Scotland.”

  10. I got to choose the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and it was really tough! You’ve clearly put a lot of effort into your line drawings. You’ll find out who the winners are at assembly on Friday – can you wait till then?

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