We’ve Arrived!

Hi everyone.

We arrived at Kilbowie around 1.15pm. The weather here is lovely and bright – it was raining a bit earlier but the sky is blue again.

The children have all been allocated their rooms and everyone seems quite happy with their room-mates. After a lunch of filled-rolls and crisps, the first job was making beds – some people managed to do it better than others!! Β After a quick practice of the fire drill, everyone was issued their kit.

The children are now out on an activity with their instructor – some have headed for the beach, others for an explore of the grounds and others have gone to jump in the sea. No matter the activity though, they’ve headed off with a smile on their face.

Dinner tonight is Pasta and Meatballs or Vegetable Crumble. Sounds yum!

Please leave a comment to say hello!

58 thoughts on “We’ve Arrived!”

  1. Hope you all have a great time,sounds like you are already. Look forward to reading the updates.

  2. Hi everyone
    This sounds like a great start! I guess after so much fun you will all be ready for a good night sleep in you lovely made beds!!
    Enjoy πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Everyone, its Dionne Williamson’s mum here. Glad to hear you’ve all arrived n settled in your rooms. Just wanna say “have a fantastic time in Kilbowie”.
    P.S Dionne you know i will be expecting you to make your bed now at home lol :-p xx

  4. Hi The Tannochside and others posse,

    Glad to hear that you all made it to sunny Oban and that there were no more issues with the bus!!

    Get Ross Campbell to put some of that dinner in a doggy bag for me for Friday!!


    Roger (Ross C’s dad)

  5. Hi everyone
    Hope u all have a gr8 time! Lee a hope u managed too make ur bed ur self after all the practice! Lol. Have fun see u Fri! Xx

  6. Hope Taylor Makes His Own Bed When He Comes Home πŸ™‚

    Glad Yous Are Having A Great Time..

    Sorry To Taylor For Embarrassing Him With My Bubbling Wreck Moment Lol..

    Have Fun.. πŸ™‚

  7. Hi everyone

    this is oe of ur class mates saying i hope u have a great week in kilbowie and the dinner sounds great LOL πŸ™‚ :D.Cant wait till i see the pictuers of them doing all diffrent tasks

  8. hi
    That sounds great ,hope yous all have a great 5 days and enjoy your days at kilbowie. πŸ™‚
    have fun…

  9. Great to hear that the kids are off to a flying start. Dinner sound lovely, and just what Sophie would eat, although I can see her skipping the meatballs. Looking forward to futher updates. πŸ™‚

  10. Hi to everyone, I am sure you will all have a fabulous time. I am also very sure you will all be making your own beds when you get home (seeing as you have done such a wonderful job)!!!!

  11. Great to hear the kids have got off to a flying start. Dinner sounds lovely and just what Sophie would enjoy, although she may need some encouragement to eat the meatballs. Looking forward to more updates and photos. πŸ™‚

  12. Hi To Everyone,
    I am sure you will all have a fantastic time. I am also sure you will all be making your own beds when you get home. (Especially after you all did such a good job today)!!!!!! Have fun, see you soon.

  13. Hello everyone, nice to hear that you have arrived safely and we can’t wait to hear all the stories when you get back.
    Fi says – Hi Andrew, I’m playing your X-box! Na-na-na-na-nah!

  14. Hello everyone, nice to hear that you have arrived safely and we can\’t wait to hear all the stories when you get back.
    Fi says – Hi Andrew, I\’m playing your X-box! Na-na-na-na-nah!

  15. Hi-de-Hi Campers! From Ellis Kerr’s Granny.

    Hope you all have lots of fun and laughter at Kilbowie. It sounds amazing,

    Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures Ellis. xx

  16. hi to all

    looking forward to the updates we are sure you will all have a great time enjoy yourselves. FREEDOM!!!!! see you at the weekend Amy.


  17. Glad yous all arrived safe and sound, enjoy your 5 days away and look forward to getting our beds made when yous get back xx

  18. hi everyone, glad you’ve all arrived safe, hope yous all have a fantastic week, c u friday jenna, love you. X

  19. hey to all of the 7’s away to kilbowie today have fun u will love kilbowie i did and you are lucky to have nice weather when we went in march it was horrible remember and watch out for derek he is well funny see you al when eve and enjoy p7

  20. Hi all,
    Glad to hear u arrived safe. Enjoy your week! Look forward to Marc making his bed at home.?

  21. hi, i hope every1 has an amazing time at kilbowie!! hope every1’s safe & well, i cant wait 4 friday 2 come xxxx

  22. Kyle Horn\\\\\\\’s Dad.Hi son just read a few of the recent blogs there, it\\\\\\\’s sounds like ur having a brilliant time already then eh ? & the weather good as well , wish we could swap place\\\\\\\’s lol. Anyway have to get back to work, ttyl8r. Love u. Xxxxxxxx

  23. Hope u have a great time,remember enjoy every activity can’t wait to see all the funny pictures,luv mum & dad xx

  24. hi son i am glad all of you e arrived safely have a fantastic time love you mum,granxxxxxxxxxxx

  25. Hi Aidan, hope you and your pals enjoyed the bus ride.
    have a great time on all your activities will check every day to see what you have all been up to.

    enjoy! lots of love Mum, Jim, Ruby & Lily.

  26. Sounds great, hope you all have a wonderful time,look forward to the updates and lots of pictures !

  27. Sounds brilliant, hope you all have a great time and look forward to lots of updates and pictures

  28. Hi glad to hear you all arrived safe and have had a busy day enjoy your supper and sleep well ready for more fun tomorrow, meghan says hi and the house is so quiet without you love you mum xxx

  29. Hi glad to hear you all arrived safe and have had a busy day enjoy your supper and sleep well ready for more fun tomorrow, meghan says hi and the house is so quiet without you love you mum xxx

  30. Hi everyone, sounds like a very eventful first day and evening, we are looking forward to loads more from you.
    Hope you all have a fab time.

  31. Hi guys hope ur hvn a fab time!
    Missing you already robbie…. Haha not! Enjoy your day tmro.
    Love amanda, mum, dougie and keir xx

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