6 thoughts on “Hallowe’en Disco”

  1. Zombie. Superman and Cruella – all had a FANTASTIC time at the School Halloween Disco – it was a TOTAL Pleasure to Help out……!!! Superman had his first ever Fancydress Experience and we hope to bully him again next year – Look Forward to next year! Frank Diane and Jack Gaughan x

  2. Hello boys and girls I was having a wee peek at all you photos it looked a fantastic night. it was hard to see who some people were ,the costumes were so good!
    I am going to Kilsyth Primary’s disco tonight so I’m looking forward to that but I am sooooo tired I might just go in my jammies then go straight to bed!
    Keep working hard and I miss you all Lots of love Mrs D x

  3. Aren’t the pictures great? Hope everyone had a great time and I agree with the Gaughans – always a pleasure to help out and a laugh getting dressed up as well!
    Will try to persuade Gordon to help out next year too…

    Jean (Andrew and Fiona Moore’s mum)

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