SYP needs your help with our 2021-26 Youth Manifesto!
The[ ]Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people. Our role is to ensure that the voice of 12-25 year olds is heard by decision makers and to enable us to do this, our members and staff team frequently consult with young people across the country to find out their opinions on issues facing Scotland.
We are therefore delighted to launch our 2021-26 manifesto consultation, [ ]From Scotland’s Young People. As our largest consultation exercise, our five year manifesto truly drives the direction of our campaigns and advocacy work and we are asking for your support to help us reach young people.
What is SYP’s Manifesto Consultation?
Our consultation is open to 12-25 year olds across the country and the results will create our 2021-26 manifesto. Co-designed by young people, the survey covers a wide range of policy areas: from climate change, gender recognition, age of criminal responsibility, to what time the school day should start. It also includes a range of questions on how the Scottish Government should protect young people’s futures in the aftermath of COVID-19.
By sharing their views, not only will young people will directly shape SYP’s work over the next five years but they will also enable us to inform Scotland’s political parties of the changes they’d like to see within the next Parliamentary term.
We would like you to complete a short survey that can be found here:
[ ]here.
Thank you!