S5 Options

In Taylor High School students progressing into fifth year study fewer subjects within the senior phase curriculum in greater depth.

As our S4 pupils move to S5 they will be asked to make choices about their subjects, ensuring progression allowing them to develop more specialisation.

Learners will follow the S5 Senior Phase Curriculum Structure outlined below;

The teaching week for S5 is structured mostly in blocks of three double periods:

  • choice of five subjects (six periods per week)
  • it is recommended that English should be one of your five subjects (unless there are exceptional circumstances).
  • your curriculum will consists of five subjects – all S5 pupils have a full timetable.

Whilst every attempt will be made to accommodate each choice in each column, this may not always be possible. For example, if there are too few pupils choosing a subject in order for it to run. If this happens Mrs Murphy or Mr McQuaid will conduct a second interview and help select an alternative subject.

Choosing the Right Subjects for You

Students should ensure that they make choices for the correct reason – not because they like the teacher or their friend is picking it! Each pupil should research careers online before making their choices.

If the young person is unsure of a career path then the best advice is to choose a broad curriculum. Mrs Murphy and Mr McQuaid are always on hand to offer advice.

Consult with your teachers, especially your Pupil Support teacher, before finalising your choices. You should also consult the Careers Adviser and the careers information online.

It is also important to consider entrance requirements to the colleges/universities and/or modern apprenticeships you are interested in.

Take care when considering any “new” subjects; in S5 you will usually only choose subjects you studied in S4 in order to ensure progression. You will have the opportunity in August to adjust your choices, after considering your SQA results.

Help and Support

Should you require any help or support please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Murphy or Mr McQuaid.

  • Talk with your son or daughter about how they are getting on in school – what they like or dislike, and how they feel about their subjects.
  • Talk about options and encourage them to start thinking about what they might like to do in the future.
  • Generally, it’s a good idea to encourage them to keep their options as open as possible. They may already have some ideas about what they want to do in the future, but these may change.
  • Encourage them to avoid biased views about what subjects or careers are ‘suitable’ for girls or boys.
  • If there are any family members, neighbours or friends that have careers that interest your child, encourage them to ask questions about their experiences or if there is an opportunity for some work experience.
  • Talk Mrs Murphy, Mr McQuaid and/or the careers adviser if you need more information or you have any concerns about their choices.
  • Encourage them to ask for help and advice in school.
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