The p7 team math-a-go-round challenges room 12 & 13 to complete their tasks!!!
Room12 & 13 math-a-go-round
P7 loved exploring time and measure during their first Math-a-go-round!
the primary 7s were helping reading a Scottish literature with almost 13,500 children so far the reading was to beat a record, they read divided city.
St Andrew’s Hospice !
Our Primary 7 St Andrew Hospice Ambassadors were pleased to set up shop this morning! We’re open every morning and afternoon, so grab a bargain and help us to help others!
Our father Kevin visit!
P7 would like to thank Fr Kevin for hearing our confessions as we prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. We demonstrated the gifts of Knowledge, Counsel and Piety throughout the afternoon, and learned more about the life and duties of a priest.