St. Joseph’s Day Coffee Morning

   tea    Coffee Morning  tea

The St. Joseph’s Day Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday the 18th of March 2017.

Could you please hand in any raffle prizes, home baking, tombola items to the school office before Friday the 17th of March.

Thank you for your continued help and support.


September/October 2016 newsletter

September/October 2016 newsletter

School yard

The entrance to the school yard is very tight and at times our pupils are finding it difficult to make their way through and get into school due to the number of people waiting to see their children in. To make this easier can we ask that all parents/carers say goodbye to their children well away from the school gate and leave our yard just for pupils. Thank you.

Registration and lunch orders
Our children are now in the hall for registration in the mornings rather than in classes. If your child has a letter in their bag (i.e. for an appointment, explaining an absence, permission slip) can you please make sure they know it’s there and that they must hand it to their teacher once they are back in class. We are reinforcing this message during registration.
Lunch orders are being taken at the same time as registration. As we order our lunches from Stepps Primary School kitchen, we require accurate numbers for them to send the correct amount of meals to us. If your child is having a school dinner, please make sure they have looked at the menu that has been sent home and they know what they are ordering as we cannot add on/amend once we have submitted our numbers for the day. The menu is online if you have lost your copy or we have spares in the office.

E-mail addresses
If you would like to receive e-mails with school information and have not done so already, please give your child a note of your e-mail address and it will be added onto our distribution lists. No urgent information will be sent via e-mail, we will text or phone.

Accidents and spillages
If your child has had to borrow some clothing from the office can you please make sure it is returned to school once it’s washed. We have limited clothing as spares and we need everything to be handed back. If your child has to borrow something we will issue them with a slip advising of what has been borrowed.

Football cards
No football cards are allowed in school as they are causing conflict and disagreements both in the yard and in class.

Flu immunisation
Consent forms have been issued to all pupils for the flu immunisation. The nurses are due in school on 24th November. Please complete and return these forms as soon as possible. If no form is received back, your child will not receive their immunisation. Any questions regarding the immunisation, please call Donna Wallace (school nurse contact) 01236 771058.

Gym kit/shoes
Your child will be aware of their gym days so please make sure they have all the kit they need in their bag. We are being asked to call home more and more as some kit has been forgotten and I’m sure that arranging for this to be brought in isn’t ideal.

Nut free school/Healthy snacks
We ask that you support our efforts of encouraging children to make healthy choices. Our Health Busters have worked hard to establish “Free Choice Friday” where children can bring a treat of their choice in to school if desired. Some children still choose healthier options all week. Some of our children have nut allergies, so please be aware of this when giving your child their snacks/lunch.

Upcoming Events
Friday 16th Sept – P7 leading Mass in church at 9.30am – Feast of St Ninian.
Monday 19th Sept – John Wilson photographer visit. Full school uniform to be worn – shirt and tie, not polo shirt. They will be taking group photos of all classes and individual photos of our new P1’s. Please return permission slips by Thursday 15th September.
Monday 3rd Oct – Parent Council AGM at 7.15pm. All welcome.
Tuesday 11th Oct – P6 leading Mass in church at 9.30am – St John mass.
Tuesday 11th Oct – Our P2’s, P3’s and P4 children from Miss Hutchison’s class will be visiting Stepps Cultural Centre in the afternoon to meet author Lari Don.
Wednesday 12th Oct – PTA meeting.
Thursday 13th Oct – Parents Night. Information will follow for appointment times.

School closed: Friday 23rd September
School re-opens: Tuesday 27th September
School closed: Monday 17th – Friday 21st October
School re-opens: Monday 24th October

Love Laughter Learning

Cancellation of the P1 ‘Learning about Learning’ session 12/09/16

Dear  Parent/ Guardian,

The ‘Learning About Learning’ session in Primary One will not go ahead tomorrow as Miss Clark is really not well. Apologies for this late notice. The school will notify P1 parents with a new date. The other visits will go ahead as planned. Please share this information with any other parents you know to avoid confusion and to allow them to make other plans.

Thank you,


Mr. McCloskey

Roald Dahl Day Tuesday the 13th of September, 2016.

Tuesday 13th September 2016 is Roald Dahl day. We are planning on celebrating his 100th birthday by allowing our children to dress up as a character from a Roald Dahl book. We understand that making a costume isn’t always possible for everyone, so children can bring in a Roald Dahl book, a prop that represents something from one of his books or just dressdown if you don’t have anything in the house that can be brought in.

We are hoping to raise money for charity by everyone bringing in a suggested donation of £1. Our Pupil Council will get together afterwards and a charity will be chosen.

Throughout the day we will talk about and read from Roald Dahl’s books and have different activities for our classes.

I am sure our children will enjoy this celebration.

Kind regards

Mr B McCloskey
Head Teacher

August/September Newsletter

 St Joseph’s Primary School        

New P1 classes

Our new P1’s have settled in really well this week.  From Monday (22nd August) we are asking that parents do not come into the playground as it is making it very busy and our older pupils are finding it difficult to enter through the gate.  Can you please keep the path clear at the front of school/side path so there is room for pupils to enter.

Annual Data Checks and Permission forms

All pupils have now been issued with forms and data checks.  Can you please make sure these are completed, signed and returned to school as soon as possible.  This ensures we have the most up-to-date contact information for every child should we need to call in an emergency.

If at any point during the year any of your child’s emergency contacts change their home/work/mobile number, please give your child a note with the change, or come into the office.

Should you move house, we are required by NLC to see proof of your address (just as we do during enrolment).

Photograph, DVD and competition permissions also require to be completed and signed so we know which children can be included in pictures to be displayed.

Text messages/e-mails/website

We have reduced the amount of text messages that we send due to the cost to the school.  To make sure that parents/carers still get information, we have requested in the forms sent home that an e-mail address is provided.  Urgent messages will still be sent via text.

Our website is a great source of information. It will show you what’s going on in school and give information on holidays, events etc.  Please save the link below so you can access our website regularly.

Medication held in school

Pupils who have prescribed, long term medication (i.e. inhaler, eczema cream) can have this held in school.  We have a form that parents/carers need to complete at the office before we can take the medication.  It must be prescribed by a Doctor and have a pharmacy label with your child’s name and dosage.

Should your child have a short term medicine they need to take (i.e. antibiotic), we require a form to be completed before we can give it to your child.  The medicine must be prescribed by a Doctor and have a pharmacy label with your child’s information.  This will be returned when you advise the course of medication is complete.

        Upcoming Events

Friday 26th August – Our P7’s will be attending the Year of Mercy Mass at Carfin Grotto

Monday 5th Sept – Allan’s Magic show will visit school for our P1-4’s.  This show will promote Road Safety.

Monday 12th Sept – P1, P1/2 & P7 parent/carer visit to class to observe a literacy lesson at 9.30am.  A letter will be issued with further information.

Tuesday 13th Sept – P2/3, P3/4 & P6 parent/carer visit to class to observe a literacy lesson at 9.30am.  A letter will be issued with further information.

Wednesday 14th Sept – P4, P5 & P5/6 parent/carer visit to class to observe a literacy lesson at 9.30am.  A letter will be issued with further information.

Wednesday 14th Sept – PTA meeting.

Friday 16th Sept – P7 leading St Ninian Mass in church at 9.30am.

Monday 19th Sept – John Wilson photographer will be visiting school.  A letter will be issued closer to the date with more information.  Pupils should wear full school uniform – shirt and tie rather than polo shirt.

Our school will be going “cashless” soon.  When we receive more information about how the system will work we will advise all parents/carers.



School closed: Friday 23rd September

School re-opens: Tuesday 27th September

School closed for October week: Monday 17th – Friday 21st October

School re-opens: Monday 24th October



Our classes are always in need of boxes of tissues.  Any donations can either be brought in with your child, or handed into the office.




Holiday Dates 2016-2017

August 2016

In-service day: Monday 15 August 2016
In-service day: Tuesday 16 August 2016
Pupils return to school: Wednesday 17 August 2016

September 2016

September weekend holidays: Friday 23 September 2016 and Monday 26 September 2016

October 2016

October break: Monday 17 October 2016 to Friday 21 October 2016

November 2016

In-service day: Monday 21 November 2016

December 2016 – January 2017

Christmas and New Year holidays: Monday 26 December 2016 to Friday 6 January 2017 (inclusive)

February 2017

Mid-term break: Monday 13 February and Tuesday 14 February 2017
In-service day: Wednesday 15 February

April 2017

Spring break: Monday 3 April to Monday 17 April 2017 (inclusive)*
*Good Friday 14 April 2017 and Easter Monday 17 April 2017

May 2017

May day holiday: Monday 1 May 2017
In-service day: Thursday 4 May 2017
Mid-term holiday: Friday 26 and Monday 29 May 2017

June 2016

  • School closes Wednesday 28 June 2017

The butterflies have emerged!


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The butterflies emerged from the chrysalides on Sunday and they looked amazing! They flapped their wings to dry them and had little naps. We mixed sugar and water to make a nectar like liquid which the butterflies drink to give them energy.


On Tuedsay we set them free in our school grounds near the flowers so that they could  get nectar easily. Some of the children were a bit nervous when the butterflies set off out of their net as they were flying around very close to us!!


We would to thank all the children and their families who helped to take care of them over the last few wekends and also to Mr. McCloskey for enabling us to experience this life cycle taking place in our own classroom. We will miss having our ten little friends in the classroom and we have really enjoyed this wonderful experience.

Instructions for how to play hopscotch alphabet!

P1 came up with lots of great ideas on here for what instruction to write next. We could only choose one though. We hope you enjoy seeing how hard we worked on playing the game and writing instructions for it! Have a go for yourself! You could use chalk instead to draw letters on the ground.


Setting up the letters
Setting up the letters


Busy working!
Busy working!


Checking our work!
Checking our work!








Have a a go for yourself! Here are our instructions. We were able to add a picture to show what we are doing.


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