Penny Coin Investigation
Clean coins!
Can you float a paperclip?
Welcome to our school site: We pride ourselves in everything we do for our wider community. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions.
I am delighted to announce that the total raised at the Coffee Morning was £1015. This is a tremendous reflection of your support. Thank you and well done to everyone involved. I would particularly like to thank and congratulate Mrs Kerr and Mrs Stewart who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. At Thinking Circles the children decided that they wanted to support SCIAF and MacMillan Cancer Support.
For the past ten weeks a group of P7 children have visited Strathclyde University FABLAB. They have learnt to use Tinkercad 3D design software and created lots of models using 3D printers. The children were wonderful ambassadors for our school and have been invited back for extra sessions. They will share their knowledge and skills with the rest of their year group and their friends in P6 by participating in the Education Scotland event-Build It Scotland.
Well done and thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday morning – it was lovely to see so many parents, children and staff. I have never known the Coffee Morning to be so busy for the whole time. Thank you to everyone for all of the donations we received – without your support we would not be able to organise such a worthwhile event. Once we have counted all of the money we will announce the total raised.
Primary 6 made tortilla pizzas as part of their Fractions topic. They cut them in different ways to show examples of equivalent fractions.
The pizzas were delicious, we enjoyed them so much we wrote an instructional writing piece on how to make them!
We would be happy share our recipe with you, just find your nearest P6 pupil and we will fill you in on how to make them 🍕🍕
Updated by Conor, Hannah and Liam P6
On Saturday the 12th of March 2016 we are having a coffee morning to raise money for school funds.
Tickets cost £1 for Adult and 50p for children.
Any donations for our tombola and raffle will be appreciated – Please hand into the office.
If you are handing in home baking donations , please give into the office on Friday 11th March
We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Updated by Conor , Hannah and Liam P6