Hello boys and girls,
Can you use the internet or books to find out 4 facts about either a frog or a toad and share it with us in the comments box below ? I’m looking forward to reading all of your fascinating facts!
Thank you,
Mrs. Curran
St. Joseph's Primary School, Cardowan
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1.one extinct frog layed an baby frog.
2.A Goliath frog is the biggest frog found it is 12.5 inches and 32cm.
3.frogs can live in a pond or near one.
4.frogs have a life cycle.
Wow Aaron – I don’t think I’d like to find a Goliath frog when I’m walking round Drumpellier Lochs on my own!! I wonder why it is called a Goliath frog?
Joseph from Primary 4/3 says ” It is because of the story in the Bible about David and the giant.”
1.Baby frogs are called tadpoles.
2.many frogs can jump 20 times they’re own height.
3.frogs come in all sorts of colours.
4.Croaking is used by male frogs as a way to attract female
5.Frogs drink water through they’re skin.
6.if you look at a frogs ear it will tell you what is male or female.
I have enjoyed reading all the facts over the last few weeks. It’s great to see you are all using digital learning 😀😀🖥
4 facts about a frog:
1) Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through their skin
2) Frogs bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating, just like trees
3) They can jump 20 times their own body length. That’s like a human jumping 30m
4) In Scotland the frog is considered lucky. Some people keep stone frogs in their gardens
Conall – I have a stone frog in my garden but I didn’t know it was lucky in Scotland. What does the word absorb mean? Think about something that mum and dad might use in the kitchen everyday that would absorb water or juice that has been spilt.
Hi Mr McCloskey
I hope the frog in your garden is good luck to you.
The word absorb means to soak up. This would be a sponge or paper towel.
Boys and girls Fionn will be delighted. He was very disappointed the other morning. He had made a ‘habitat’ for his ‘pet’ frog ( a big bucket with water, stones, leaves) but the next morning it had gone. How did it manage to get out I wonder?
What is the difference between a frog and a toad?
A frog will be in water but a toad will be found on land usually.
A toad has dry bumpy skin and a frog has smooth skin.
The fire belly frog is actually a frog with bumpy skin.
A frog is more timid than a toad.
Frogs have sticky long tongues and toads don’t.
My Auntie Julie lives near a river in Perth and her garden is full of frogs and toads. She keeps them for me and when I visit I take them back to the river. The biggest one she has found was the size of her hand.
Well done on what you have found out so far Primary 3. Primary4/5 enjoyed looking at your facts when we were looking on the school website.
1 frogs need to live near water
2 they have smooth moist skin that makes them look slimy.
3 they have a narrow body
4 they take long high jumps.
1 do not need to live near water
2 have rough, dry , bumpy skin.
3 have lower , football shaped eyes.
4 have shorter, less powerful hind legs.
1. The desert rain frog is called Breviceps Macrops and is found in Namibia and South Africa. It cannot leap or jump as its legs are too short.
2. One gram of toxin produced by the skin of the golden poison dart frog can kill 100,000 people.
3. The female Surinam road lays up to 100 eggs. After 12 to 20 weeks baby toads are born.
4. Did you know a frog outside your front door brings you luck? My mum has a tiny wee frog hidden in her plant pot at the front door.
1. Large frogs don’t leap as far as small frogs
2. Frogs are tadpoles before they become frogs
3. Frogs need to live near water
4. Toads do not need to live near water to survive
5. Toads have wider bodies than frogs
6. Toads have shorter hind legs than frogs
Well done everyone😀😀😀😀
1. Frogs belong to a group of animals called amphibians, and means 2 lives.
2. Frogs are cold blooded which means that their bodies are the same temperature as the air or water around them.
3. Frogs are found all over the world in every climate except Antarctica. They can be found near any and every body of fresh water but prefer ponds, lakes and marshes, because the water doesn’t move very fast.
4. The difference between frogs and toads is frogs need To live near water, toads do not.
Frogs have smooth moist skin however toads have rough, dry, bumpy skin.
(1)There are 5,000 species of frogs.
(2)Frogs don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through there skin.
(3)Frogs are used in experiments in UK.
(4)Asian tree frogs build nests in trees above water so that when the tadpoles hatch they fall directly into the water.
4 facts about frogs:
1. Frogs don’t need to drink water.
2. A frog’s call is unique to its species.
3. Some frogs can jump over 20 times their own body length.
4. Frogs are used in expiriments in the UK.
Facts about frogs and toads:
Frogs need to live near water
Frogs have smooth wet skin
Frogs have a slim body
Frogs like to take long high jumps
Toads have bumpy rough skin
Toads have a wide body
Toads take small hops
Toads don’t need to live near water
Frogs and toads have a lot in common.
toads’ backs are bumpy , frog’s back’s are smooth. They start all in the water.
A toad is a type of frog. ##
well done I liked your facts primary 3
Frogs and toads have a lot in common.
toads’ backs are bumpy , frog’s back’s are smooth. They start all in the water.
A toad is a type of frog. ;]
Four facts about frogs
*Frogs need to live near water.
*Frogs have moist skin that makes them look more slimy.
*Frogs take long high jumps.
*Frogs have a narrow body.
Here are my 4 facts about frogs and toads
1. Frogs have smooth, moist skin and long, stripy legs and are likely to be found in damp habitats in the garden.
2. Toads have warty skin, golden eyes and prefer to crawl rather than hop.
3. If threatened a toad can puff itself up to appear bigger.
4. Toads can tolerate drier habitats than frogs and spend less time in water.
1. Frogs need to live near water.
2. Frogs have round bulging eyes.
3. Frogs have smooth moist skin.
4. Frogs take long high jumps.
I have lots of frogs in my garden and my mum is scared of them 🐸🐸🐸😎😎
1- A group of toads is often called a knot.
2- Like frogs, toads also start out as fish-like tadpoles.
3- Toads do not have teeth so they swallow food whole and don’t chew.
4- Toads also play dead or puff themselves up to appear bigger if they feel threatened by predators.
5- Frogs have smooth skin, toads have bumpy skin.
6- A group of frogs is called an army.
7- The biggest frog in the world is the Goliath frog, it lives in West Africa it’s more than 30cm in length.
1. Frogs need to live near water but toads don’t.
2. Frogs have smooth moist skin that makes them look slimy, toads have rough, dry, bumpy skin.
3. Frogs take long high jumps, toads have less power in their legs.
4. Frogs have many predators but toads don’t have many.
5. Neither frogs or toads give you warts. That’s a myth!
There are 5,0000 species of frogs.
Frogs don’t need water because they absorb it through their skin.
Some frogs can jump 20 times their own length.
Large frogs don’t leap as far as the small frogs.🤓🤓🤓
I saw a toad in my back garding
Frogs have smooth,moist skin that looks slimy.🐸
Frogs have higher,rounder,bulgier eyes.🐸
Toads have rough,dry,bumpy skin.
Toads will run or take small hops than jump.
1. A group of frogs are called an ‘army’ and a group of toads are called a ‘knot’.
2. Frogs don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin.
3. Frogs and toads are Carnivores, which means they eat meat.
4. There are over 5,000 species of frog.
5. Some frogs can jump 20 times their own body length.
I would not like that big frog when I am out
There are over 5,000 species of frogs.
They don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin
Some frogs can jump over 20 times their own body length
A frogs call is unique to its species and some frog calls can be heard up to a mile away.
Ryan 🐸🍃