We have been looking at centipedes in class as part of our Minibeasts topic. Can you type four facts that you have learned please ?
Thank you,
Mrs Curran
St. Joseph's Primary School, Cardowan
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Four facts on centipedes –
1. Centipedes are nocturnal creatures.
2. There are about 8000 species of centipedes.
3. Centipedes spend most of their life hidden under rocks
4. Centipedes can bite people in self defence.
Nocturnal means centipedes sleep during the day and come out to play at night.
centipedes don`t have 100 legs
There are estimated 8’000 species of centipedes
The legs
Centipedes don`t have 100 legs
There are 8`000 species of centipede
The legs of the centipedes first segment are not for walking.
centipedes have poison claws for subduing prey.
Centipede Facts
– “Centipede” in Latin means “100 legs”, but centipedes only have between 15 to 20 pars of legs.
– Centipedes stay awake during the night.
– Centipedes can live between 2 to 5 years.
– If a centipede lost a leg it would grow back.
Centipedes do not have 100 legs. All Centipedes are predators. Centipedes can regenerate lost legs. Some centipedes care for their young.
Centipedes are very fast.

Centipedes do not have 100 legs.
Centipedes are the only Arthpods that have poison claws for killing their pray.
Some centipedes are harmless.
1 – Centipedes don’t have 100 legs.
2 – If they lose a leg it regrows.
3 – Centipedes are not mini beasts as they have more than 6 legs.
4 – Birds, frogs and small mammals eat centipedes.
1. Centipedes do not have 100 legs.
2. All centipedes are predators.
3. Centipedes can regenerate lost legs.
4. Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment.
5. Most centipedes are built for speed.
has one hundred legs
needs some water to survive
lives under rocks and dark places
a centipede is not an insect
1.centipedes are the only known arthapods to have poison claws for subduing prey
2.centipedes do not have 100 legs.
3.centipedes have 1 pair of legs per body segment.
4.all centipedes are predators.
Centipedes don’t always have 100 legs.
Centipedes can bite people with their fangs.
They have been around for 400 million years.
They can crawl really quickly.
1.centipedes are curious creatures and can be found in your house! 2.centipedes eat insects and spiders & attack small vertebrates like lizards. 3.centipedes are fast & can save itself by giving away some legs. 4.the reason why centipedes are called that because ther legs comes in centimetres.
1. Centipedes have poison claws.
2. There is 8,000 types of Centipedes.
3. They like dark and moist places.
4. They can grow to 0.1to 11 inches long.
Here are 4 things that I have learned about centipedes
1. Centipedes have got an odd number of legs.
2. Their size can range from few millimetres to 30cm.
3. Centipedes have a well rounded, with a pair of antennae at the forward margin.
4. Centipedes are mostly nocturnal.
5.Centipede defences include their speed and venomous forcipes.
1. Centipedes can have 15 to over 100 pairs of legs.
2. They have one pair of legs for each body segment.
3. They can live for several years.
4. If they lose a leg it will grow back again.
1. Centipedes belong to the class of Chilopoda.
2. The name centipedes means 100 legs, however they may have anywhere from 15 to 177 pairs of legs
3. All centipedes have very poor eyesight and track their prey through touch and smell.
4. Centipedes are venomous creatures, however their venom won’t kill a human but will be painful.
Well done to the children in Primary Three who have shared their knowledge about centipedes! You have found out lots of great facts! I only found out recently that most centipedes don’t have one hundred legs and they really are interesting little creatures!!
Thanks everyone!
Mrs Curran
Hi Mrs Curran and the boys and girls in p3. It is Fionn.
I didn’t know what nocturnal meant but I googled it and I found out that it means things that happen during the night.
I found out cool facts about frogs tonight because I found one in my Papa’s garden and I made a little habitat for it and I kept it as a pet – my dad doesn’t think it will be there in the morning. Did you know that some big frogs eat snakes and mice for their tea? My frog is just a little one so it will eat flies and little insects.
If my frog is there in the morning I will ask my dad to bring it in to show you!
Hi Fionn,
It’s great to hear from you and we hope that you are enjoying reading our posts about our work on Minibeasts! That’s good that you have a new pet! The boys and girls would love a class pet frog but I’m not so sure that I would like it so much incase it escaped!
Well done on finding out what the word nocturnal means – a few of the boys in our class found out what it means too. I will talk to the children tomorrow about frogs and I can share what you have learned with them as I didn’t know that large frogs can eat mice and snakes-yuck!!
Thanks for getting in touch!
Mrs Curran and Primary Three
Hello boys and girls.
I promised you that I would get Fionn to do the same homework as you tonight.
He found your facts really interesting and he has been on a minibeast hunt all night.
He really has found a pet frog but I can’t promise that I will bring it into school tomorrow. I don’t think Mrs Curran would be very happy if it started to hop all round the class. I was wondering how big those frogs that eat small snakes and mice are and how far they can leap? Do you think you could find out for me?
I was also going to speak to Mrs Curran and see if you are all working very hard on your Mini Beast topic and suggest that you get a special treat. Would you like to order a BUTTERFLY GARDEN? If Mrs Curran thinks that is a good idea, can you cost these and send me an email and I will speak to Mrs Stewart about funds?
Hi, the large frogs can be up to 15 inches long and weigh 8 pounds and can also leap up to 4 feet. Did you know the desert rain frog doesn’t leap or jump as its legs are too short?
1. Centipedes have up to 15 to 30 legs .
2.centipedes are the only arthropods known to have poison claws for subduing prey.
3.Centipedes are Arthropoda belonging to the class chilopoda of the subphylum myriapoda.
4.They are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment .
5.Centipedes do not have 100 legs.
6 .All centipedes are predators.
Hi Mrs curran. Centipedes can not hurt you . The name centipede comes from cent that means 100 and pede means feet. The largest centipede in the u.s. live in Arizona and grow to 7 inches . In the West Indies you’ll find centipedes that are 18 inches. Yikes
Four facts about a centipede:
1) They have poison claws
2) They can have as few as 15 pairs of legs or as many as 171 pairs
3) They can live for several years
4) They can regenerate lost legs
There are around 8000 species of centipedes

They can be found all over the world
Centipedes usually inhabit forests,tropical rain forests and savannas
They prefer dark and moist places.
They are not on the list of endangered species.