Transition is another word for change. The transition from Home to Nursery marks a huge milestone in a child’s life. It is a change which is viewed with excitement and with trepidation by many children and parents. A change of environment and daily routines in any aspect of life can be unsettling for children. Many transitions are made along a child’s learning journey, from Home to Nursery and then from Nursery to Primary School. Children then make yearly transitions from class to class and as they progress through the Curriculum for Excellence levels.
Settling in is an important stage in the transition between the home and the early education setting. Care and attention must be given to the needs of the child and also the needs of parents/carers when settling children into the early education environment and routine.
- To offer a warm and welcoming environment where children feel valued, happy and secure
- To recognise and support the individual needs of children and their parents/carers during the settling in period.
- To work in partnership with parents/carers to settle the child into nursery
As a staff we will:
- Arrange visit(s) to the nursery for parents/carers prior to the child’s placement commencing
- Carry out an enrolment process to formally introduce and welcome new children and their parents/carers to the nursery
- Gather information from parents/careers about each child prior to placement commencing, e.g. likes, dislikes, favourite play activities, etc
- Ensure all children and their parents/carers are personally greeted and welcomed when they arrive
- Offer familiar play activities and experiences to promote self-confidence and esteem
- Deal sensitively with any anxieties children and/or parents/carers may have
- Invite parents/carers to stay for sufficient time so that the child feels settled and the parent/carer feels comfortable about leaving
- Liaise with parents /carers and share information about the child
- Consult with parents/carers when developing strategies to help their child settle into the pre-school setting. The first day that the child starts nursery they will stay for half an hour. The parent/carer will stay in the waiting area during this session. The settling in process will continue over the next few days. Each day the child will spend an extra half hour in the nursery until they reach their full allocation of two and a half hours. During these days, the parents will be free to leave the nursery as long as telephone numbers are provided in order that the parent can be contacted if their child is distressed. The length of time it takes for a child to settle in nursery is individual and therefore discretion will be used. We will be flexible in response to individual needs e.g. making arrangements for the child to be collected early on the first few days if necessary.
It is the responsibility of the Management along with the staff to monitor, evaluate and review the above arrangements and to adjust them according to need.
Transition to Primary
Education Scotland states that the transition from Nursery to Primary School has always been recognised as ‘a critical time of change for children, parents and practitioners, which is full of opportunity and potential’.
Visiting the ‘Big School’
Throughout their time in Nursery, the children will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities in the Primary School. They are regular visitors to the Gym Hall, Music and Drama Rooms. They are also invited to join the primary school children in sharing a number of activities across the curriculum. Shared activities include, attending assemblies and other presentations, participating in storytelling sessions and sharing experiences in purposeful play.
In their pre-school year children are involved in a planned programme of activities prior to their move into Primary School. All of these activities support the children effectively, ensuring they are confident and ready to enter the next phase of their learning in Primary 1.
Curriculum for Excellence
The Curriculum for Excellence provides an important opportunity to enhance transitions between Nursery and Primary. The Curriculum for Excellence Early Level spans Pre-school to the end of Primary 1 (for most but not all children) and naturally promotes collaborative working between the sectors.
Our Nursery aims:
- To meet the needs of the children and individual parents and carers at times of transition
- To work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure transitions are effective and successful
- To gather written information about each child given by parents/carers and children
- To ensure parents receive useful information about the nursery
- To share the settling in policy with parents/carers
- To provide opportunities for staff and parents to meet and discuss progress or concerns
- To raise awareness of and share pupil profiles with parents and Primary 1 teachers.
- To work in partnership with schools receiving children.
- To work in partnership with other professionals involved with some children who have additional support needs and who may need enhanced transition arrangements.
As a staff we will:
- Ensure parents are notified of transition dates
- Arrange reciprocal staff visit(s) to the current and receiving setting prior to commencement of child’s placement
- Gather written information from parents/carers and children to ensure we are well informed about each individual child e.g. enrolment forms, ‘All about me’ forms (sharing likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc.) and permission slips (for outings, photographs, changing clothes etc.) and ensure we follow the Additional Support for Learning transition regulations with regard to children with additional support needs eg timescales.
- Share information about the nursery/school with parents/carers in the form of handbooks/welcome brochures, notice boards, newsletters and through talking with staff
- Arrange an information session with parents and staff to share information on the daily routine of the nursery etc.
- Share our settling in policy with parents/carers.
- Ensure that we seek and take account of parental/carer views by ensuring they have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss progress and air individual concerns throughout the year, both formally through parent interviews and informally using our open door policy.
- Share information with receiving schools and with other nurseries if a child moves throughout the year.
- Endeavour to have regular, effective communication in place where a child attends more than one provision at any one time, to ensure a smooth transition.
- Work in close partnership with the receiving primary schools
- Ensure all staff recognise the holistic nature of children’s learning and development and respect different teaching and learning approaches.
- Share the philosophy and practice in early education with the primary one setting.