Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

Rotten Romans and Vicious Vikings

May 18, 2016 by Miss Raeside | 0 comments





I liked when the 3D part of the show came on: everything was jumping out at us! – Kelsi Lowrie

It was great learning all about the invaders, it was really cool! – Johnny Burns

My favourite part was when the 3D spears came shooting out at us. – Ben Gibson

The best part was when we were all transported to a snake pit! – Saif Mehmood

The snakes jumping out at us was my favourite part! – Ryan Christie

Although I had already learnt lots about the Romans before we went, I learned even more through our trip! – Jessica Newgreen

My favourite part of the show was when the Romans invaded as that’s what our topic was! – Neve McHattie

My highlight was when we leart lots more about Roman roads. – Dugald Farquhar

The Saxon ‘Come Dine With Me’ part was really funny. – Olivia Newgreen

I enjoyed the ‘Great British Bash Up’ part! – Eva Coleman

It was funny when the teachers had to stand up and sing a song about Roman towns in front of everyone! – Antony Tyrell

I had a wee snooze on the bus on the way there and back! – Sam Butler

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Nature Walk

May 18, 2016 by Miss Raeside | 0 comments















We went øn a nature walk because it was Eco Day and all classes were doing activities related to this. We had to listen carefully to all the sounds we heard and then we composed our very own songs about these! – Leah McGuire

I liked listening to all the sounds of nature, like the grass and rocks, leaves…and more! – Antony Tyrell

I enjoyed going through the forest and listening to the sounds the twigs were making beneath our feet. – Cameron McLaren

I enjoyed being the photographer and taking great snaps. I then made a slideshow with great music and sound effects to show the class! – Connor McCracken

I liked how we created our own story using sounds. – Ava Coyle

The trim trail was great for exploring! – Emma Newberry

It was great working with my group to discuss all the sounds we could hear. – Erin Richardson

I liked to explore and listen to all the different sounds that we could hear. -Jessica Newgreen

We could see all the bug houses that we created last year in the forest! – Eva Coleman

It was great looking around all the different parts of the playground! – Eve O’Byrne

Everyone’s songs and stories they created about the nature walk were excellent! It was great fun listening to them! – Beth Johnson

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Science Week

May 18, 2016 by Miss Raeside | 0 comments


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I liked learning how science works. It’s really interesting and the experiments were great because we don’t do them everyday! -Antony Tyrell

I liked how we had to figure out how things happen and what makes things possible! – Charlie Reid

Spinning the bucket of water over my head was my highlight! – Cameron McLaren

It was amazing how the black ink turns into a rainbow on the filter paper! – Sam Butler

Spinning the buckets over our heads was really scary as we thought we would get soaked! It didn’t get us wet, though, because of inertia! -Beth Johnson

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May 18, 2016 by Miss Raeside | 0 comments

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I like the fact that we all move around when doing Kodaly. It’s different from other music lessons! – Cameron McLaren

I like doing Kodaly because it’s using our own bodies and voices to make music, rather than instruments! It’s great! – Ava Coyle

Kodaly is really fun! It’s not just music but it’s games, too! – Emma Brown

It’s active and the games are all really good fun. It’s like a combination of music, games and fun! – Jessica Wilson

I especially liked all the fun songs that Claire sings and I like the Crocodile game the best! _ Beth Johnson

This gallery contains 5 photos

May 6, 2016
by Mrs Shaw

Living Things – Pond Dipping

Our science topic this term is living things and we decided to see what we could find in our local environment. What better place than the pond to start. We went out last week but sadly we couldn’t find anything other than a couple of flies. However, we went out today with our nets and the children were amazed at what we caught. We have created an indoor habitat for some of the creatures that we found. We found tadpoles, fish, snails and a few as of yet unidentified insects.  The boys and girls were fabulous and really enjoyed our science adventure.

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