Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

May 23, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson

Going for Gold!

Primary 3L & Primary 4/3 took us back to Ancient Greece this morning as we found out all about the Olympic Games.  Invited guests were blown away by the fabulous acting, singing and sporting demonstrations.  We also had the opportunity to read Star Writer texts, view the art gallery and even take a selfie!

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May 20, 2016
by Miss Belshaw

Bedlay Football Festival

Well done to the girls who represented Stepps Primary at the Bedlay Football Festival today.  We are delighted by the girls sportsmanship and their effort on the pitch and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon.

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May 20, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson

P.5 Host a Coffee Morning!

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Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came along to Primary 5’s Coffee Morning today.  The boys and girls had a fabulous time. Whether they were in charge of welcoming, catering or entertainment; everyone played a role vital to the smooth running of the event.  As you can see from some of these photographs…Stepps Has Talent!

May 19, 2016
by Mrs Shaw

BBC LIve Author Event with Ed Vere

Primary 1 had been invited to attend a live author’s event run by the BBC. We didn’t even have to leave school. Using technology we logged on to the event from school and were able to watch on our new fabulous smartboard in the community room. The author was Ed Vere and he introduced the children to one of his characters, Max. Ed read us 2 of his stories, “Max and Bird” isn’t even out in the shops yet!  The whole event was interactive and the children absolutely loved being part of this event along with other children in different locations. At the end of the sessions Ed had the children create a simple line drawing of the character Max and sign it as they were now the illustrators. Thank you BBC we loved this event.

May 19, 2016
by User deactivated

P2KL The Olympic Games

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This term our topic is the Olympic Games.  Each class is to focus their studies on a competing country.  Our country is Canada.  We have already started researching information on the internet.  Firstly we are investigating aspects of the country itself and next we will find out about the Canadian athletes, sports and events.

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May 19, 2016
by User deactivated

P2KL Keeping You Posted Term 4

We have a very busy term ahead!

A Note from the Teachers

Primary 2 will continue to have their homework issued on a Monday for return on a Thursday/Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their folder to school on one of these days to allow time for marking and issuing of new tasks. Word bags should be returned to school every Friday to allow for updating with new words. Reading books must also be brought to school every day as they are used to complete after reading tasks and activities.

Our P.E. days will continue to be Monday and Friday. Please ensure your child brings their gym kit on these days.


Our Social Studies topic this term is The Olympic Games. We will be focusing our studies on Canada, using the Internet and non-fiction books and working collaboratively in groups to research various aspects of the topic.

Our R.M.E. topic will be the Jewish festival of Hannukah. The children will learn about various artefacts and customs linked to this festival of lights.

Health: Sexual Health and Relationships.

P.E. Athletics                            Drama: The Olympics, Stories and Folk Tales from Canada.

Art: Topic related and seasonal activities.

Music: ABC Creative music programme, Canadian Traditional music and Dance.


Our learning this term will include:

  • Multiplication
  • Fractions
  • Division (grouping and sharing)
  • Mental Maths Activities
  • Problem Solving and Enquiry
  • Money to £1


  • Weekly spelling words (3 or 4 per week).
  • new core reading books every week.
  • new home reader every week.
  • Weekly phonics activities (1 new phoneme per week).
  • Daily writing activities.
  • Weekly story writing.
  • Talking and listening activities.
  • A range of after reading task and activities related to core reading books.

 Other Information

The P2 school trip to Dynamic Earth will take place on Friday 24th June.



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