Why not dress down for your PTA this Friday? Instead of paying for the privilege, we are suggesting you might want to donate an item for the Christmas Fayre.
THANK YOU for your continued support of this work.
November 8, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
Why not dress down for your PTA this Friday? Instead of paying for the privilege, we are suggesting you might want to donate an item for the Christmas Fayre.
THANK YOU for your continued support of this work.
November 8, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
November 7, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
Download your copy of our November Newsletter here…
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
After our New York topic last term, this term we will be focussing on our sciences. As part of our Chemical Changes topic, pupils have been asked to form a Science Team with their classmates, and during this process will be encouraged to communicate with each other using GLOW.
We will also be continuing to explore and encourage the use of Sumdog to improve confidence with mental maths skills.
Science – Chemical Changes and Our Bodies
Drama – Role play activities
Health – Food & Health (planning our choices)
RME – Religious Communities
P.E. – Team Games (Hockey) & Dance
Reading – Novel Studies – Continue to use our main reading strategies, and exploring answering and asking questions.
Spelling – spelling words are given out on Monday for Friday’s assessment.
Grammar & Punctuation – alliteration, similes, apostrophes for possession
Taught writing – a range of genre will be taught throughout the term.
Oral/Mental Maths – activities will be done daily as part of our maths programme.
Topics to be covered this term include;
Time Multiplication
Division 2D/3D Shape
Problem Solving – We have explored a range of problem solving strategies, and pupils will now get to experience putting these into practice independently.
Other Information
Mrs MacNeil will continue to deliver German to P6/5 pupils on a Wednesday.
This term we are very fortunate to be working with Clyde Football Club for coaching sessions on a Friday. This will replace our Tuesday P.E. session for the whole of November.
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
Just a reminder that P3L’s gym days are on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear and gym clothes on these days.
Our topic for Term 2 is ‘Children from Other Lands’. We will be exploring what daily life is like for children in Scotland and various other counties. In addition we will find out about the countries geographical and environmental features. We will also develop an awareness of Scottish national dress and cultures including learning some ceilidh dances!
Weekly spelling words (4 per week)
Core reading books every week
Weekly phonic activities
Daily writing activities
Weekly taught writing lessons
Talking & listening activities
A range of after reading tasks and activities related to core reading books.
We look forward to our new topics: Money and multiplication.
Every day, we engage in mental math activities using different strategies.
Once a week we are developing our Problem Solving skills. We choose and discuss the best strategy as a class.
Other Information
Art: Topic related along with seasonal activities.
Music: ABC Music Programme and Christmas songs
Drama: Role play using our topic as a stimulus.
RME: Sukkot (Judaism) and Haffertee’s First Christmas (Christianity).
Health: Citizenship, Relationships and Respect.
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
Primary 3N have had a very enjoyable term! In our topics, we have been learning about electricity (more information is on the blog) and energy.
We have been outdoors learning about maths and have had fun doing active games whilst learning about shape. Recently, we have been conducting our own surveys and displaying the information in different ways.
Our topic for Term 2 is ‘Children from Other Lands’. We will be exploring what daily life is like for children in Scotland and various other counties. In addition we will find out about the countries geographical and environmental features. We will also develop an awareness of Scottish national dress and cultures including learning some ceilidh dances!
We have been learning new phonemes every week and will continue this into the next term. Sometimes we will work on phoneme tasks in class and other times it will be given for homework.
There are a range of literacy activities and skills, which the children will work on over the course of the next term. Each task will be tailored to challenge or support children where required.
We look forward to our new topics: Money and multiplication.
Every day, we engage in mental math activities using different strategies. Our favourite game is up and down!
Once a week we are developing our Problem Solving skills. We choose and discuss the best strategy as a class.
Other Information
Just a reminder that Primary 3’s gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear and gym clothes on these days.
RME: Sukkot (Judaism) and Haffertee’s First Christmas (Christianity).
Health: Citizenship, Relationships and Respect.
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our World War Two workshop. The children worked extremely hard both individually and as part of a team to prepare the event, and every part of the day came from their very own ideas and efforts. Your participation and involvement helped make the day a success. Both the pupils and myself had a wonderful morning and we hope you did, too.
Thank you.
Social Studies – College of Rock
R.M.E. – How Muslims Should Live
P.E. – Aesthetics: acrobatics, gymnastics, dance
H.W.B. – World Food Cultures
Through Active Literacy and novel studies, we will be developing our knowledge of context clues, punctuation and grammar, while learning to read texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.
We will be learning to identify and consider the purpose of a theme and use supporting detail. To show understanding we will be learning to respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading tasks. We will be discussing structure, characterisation, setting and writers’ style and craft.
Our weekly Taught-Writing lesson will cover a range of genres and writing targets.
Using a range of resources and learning styles, we will be developing our skills, knowledge and understanding in the following mathematical concepts:
Each term we will revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Other Information
Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be returned by the Friday. Reading books should be brought to class each day and children should be encouraged to keep up to date with reading homework.
From Thursday the 17th of November Primary 7D will be visiting Chryston High School for a block of P.E. Therefore children should bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and a Thursday instead of the usual Monday and Wednesday. For the next six weeks P7D will also be working with Athletic specialists during their Monday P.E time.
If you have any worries or concerns you can arrange to speak to me via phone or by arranging a meeting after school at anytime.
Thank you.
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our World War Two workshop. The children worked extremely hard both individually and as part of a team to prepare the event, and every part of the day came from their very own ideas and efforts. Your participation and involvement helped make the day a success. Both the pupils and myself had a wonderful morning and we hope you did, too.
Thank you.
Social Studies – College of Rock
R.M.E. – How Muslims Should Live
P.E. – Aesthetics: acrobatics, gymnastics, dance
H.W.B. – World Food Cultures
Through Active Literacy and novel studies, we will be developing our knowledge of context clues, punctuation and grammar, while learning to read texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.
We will be learning to identify and consider the purpose of a theme and use supporting detail. To show understanding we will be learning to respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading tasks. We will be discussing structure, characterisation, setting and writers’ style and craft.
Our weekly Taught-Writing lesson will cover a range of genres and writing targets.
Using a range of resources and learning styles, we will be developing our skills, knowledge and understanding in the following mathematical concepts:
Each term we will revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Other Information
Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be returned by the Friday.
Reading books should be brought to class each day and taken home again each night, kept in the plastic homework wallets.
P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. Please remind your child to bring in their P.E. kits on these days.
If you have any worries or concerns please record in the Home/School diary. You can also arrange to speak to me via phone or by arranging a meeting after school.
Thank you.
November 7, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note from the Teacher
We can’t believe it is Term 2 already!
Our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please remind your child to bring in their P.E. kits (shorts, t-shirt and indoor shoes) on these days.
Mrs Shaw will continue to teach I.C.T this term.
Science: Our topic this term is Water. We will investigate how water can change from one form to another. We will also experiment with solid forms of water and investigate how these dissolve.
Technology: Our topic this term is Party Hats.
Other Information
November 4, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A Note From The Teacher
Just a reminder that our school trip to Motherwell Heritage Centre is on Wednesday 17th November and we are really excited. (£5 spending money)
If there are any concerns at all, please get in touch with me through the home/school communication jotter.
Term 2 Topics
P.E. – We will be learning football skills with the Clyde Football Club (4 weeks), social dancing and tennis skills.
Topic – We will be learning about our amazing world in our topic “It’s a Wonderful World.”
R.M.E. – Mr Doran will be teaching the class about different religious communities.
German & French – We will focus on numbers, colours and Christmas in France and Germany.
In class we follow a 4-day reading programme where the children will work on the 6 different literacy strategies through fiction and non-fiction text.
Weekly spelling words will be issued and worked on both in school and as part of weekly homework.
Grammar and punctuation will be taught as part of our Weekly Story writing lessons, which will focus on narrative form, explanation and recounts.
Oral/Mental Maths – activities will be done daily as part of our maths programme.
Topics to be covered this term include;
Multiplication Division
Multiples, Factors and prime numbers
Problem Solving – Practical and written problem solving tasks undertaken weekly.
Other Information
*Gym days from Monday 31st October until Friday 25th November are Mondays and Fridays. Thereafter they will return to Mondays and Wednesdays.
*Reading books need to be read every night and brought to school every day for classroom use.
*A water bottle would be useful in school for daily use and should have your name and class on it.
*Remember homework is issued on a Monday and should be returned completed and signed by Friday.