Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

November 21, 2016
by Miss Belshaw
1 Comment

Primary 6 so far…

Primary 6 are already halfway through term 2 and we are having a look back at some of the experiences we have had so far.  The year started with an exciting visit from the BeardAskew filming crew teaching us about silent films and we got to write our own script based on the history of fish and chips.  On the second visit, we turned to film stars from the day and made our own silent film.  We are looking forward to showing this to you at our premiere.  We thoroughly enjoyed our social studies topic – The Unsinkable Ship and had a chance to make our own models and fact files.

Take a look at our slideshow of us hard at work.

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November 21, 2016
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment


After the excitement of the fire fighters, we received a visit from Peter and Dougie, paramedics with the Scottish Ambulance Service. We got to see inside Peter’s paramedic bag at all the equipment and drugs he uses to help patients in different ways. Miss McCurrach was given an E.C.G. to check that her heart was beating and we all got to listen to it through the stethoscope. We then went outside for a look inside the ambulance and got to play with the siren which we all loved!

Thank you to Peter and Dougie for showing us so much!!

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November 21, 2016
by Miss Hood
1 Comment

Milk and Dairy!

Primary two have been learning all about milk and dairy in health and wellbeing. We have been discussing how milk and dairy contribute to a healthy and balanced diet. We have also been looking at reduced fat options, as we discovered that dairy products can be high in fat!

As a class treat, to celebrate filling our kerching jar again, we made healthy milkshakes in class! The children had a lot of fun chopping their fruit and most of us agreed it was very tasty!

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November 21, 2016
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment

Fire Service

As part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic P1M and P1K had a visit from some fire fighters from a local fire station. We got to see inside the fire engine, try on their helmets and even use the hose. We were all impressed with how high the water from the hose could reach!!

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November 21, 2016
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment

Ghost Bananas

P1M had a spooky Halloween!!! For our first piece of instructional writing, we made ‘Ghost Bananas’ and then wrote up how we made them. We used our knowledge from Mrs McIntyre’s Germ Buster lesson to get our hands nice and clean and had A LOT of fun making and then eating our bananas.


November 21, 2016
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment

Germ Busters

Mrs McIntyre came in to see P1M and P1K and tell them a bit about keeping germs away. We all got to see how well we wash our hands. We now know that to keep them as clean as we can, we have to wash them as long as it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to ourselves twice while. The ultraviolet light showed all the germs on our hands before and after washing.

Thank you Mrs McIntyre!!!


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