Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

November 25, 2016
by Miss Davidson

P.E at Chryston High School

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We have been very busy every Thursday morning at Chryston High School learning and improving our balancing skills. We have worked in groups of two or three to create interesting and unusual balances, putting them into a routine to perform to the rest of our class. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store for us. We will keep you all posted!img_0679

November 23, 2016
by Mrs Hogg
1 Comment

Human Organs


Primary 4 have started their new science topic on human organs. So far we have researched human and animal skeletons and the human heart.

Did you know your heart is roughly the size of your fist? Or that your heart beats 100,000 times a day. We are learning lots of interesting facts about our organs.


November 23, 2016
by Mrs Hogg
1 Comment


Primary 4H enjoyed learning about the history of Guy Fawkes and Bonfire night. We wrote an information report for story writing and made wax resist bonfire pictures.



November 23, 2016
by Mrs Hogg
1 Comment

Halloween in P4H


The children enjoyed researching and writing information reports on the history of Halloween. During our research we discovered key facts about where and why Halloween began, where the name Halloween came from and why and how we celebrate Halloween today.


We also designed and created some Frankenstein Picasso pictures, don’t they look great!

November 22, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson

Investigating Social Media

Over the past few weeks we have been discussing Social Media, what it is, as well as the benefits and dangers it can bring.


Today we were looking at the facts.  We discovered that the minimum age limit for an account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat is 13.  YouTube requires account holders to be 18.

Although none of us is old enough to have one of these social media accounts, we took time today to research the safety features available.  When we are old enough, we need to know how to keep ourselves safe.


Here are some of the facts we found:

Max – Even if you deactivate your account, Twitter keeps your data for thirty days.

Frankie – You can delete hate and report abuse.

Kadyn – Accounts can be made private and protected.  Always think twice about anything you are posting.

Elise – Think before you post, because once it is out there, even if you later delete it, someone will see it.

Matthew – If you have a public account anyone can follow you and see your posts.

Rebecca – It is VERY important to know whether your account is public or private.

Tayyba – Snapchat can remove or suspend an account if it is reported for inappropriate use.

Jack F. – You can report abuse of any sort.

Aalia – You can delete and block accounts.


Some of our class members took a few of these leaflets home today, to give them to their parents or older siblings.  These leaflets are available in school for any parents or carers who would find them useful.

November 21, 2016
by User deactivated
1 Comment

People Who Help Us

Primary 1 have been working on  their topic People who help Us. They were visited by some local firefighters who explained some of the things they do to help us. They allowed everyone to sit in their Fire Engine and everyone even got a shot of their hose. It was great fun. They clearly inspired us because almost everybody who chose to make an emergency vehicle as part of their homework task chose to make a Fire Engine. They look great.

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November 21, 2016
by Mrs Black
1 Comment

Healthy Smoothies

As part of our learning in Health and Wellbeing we made healthy fruit smoothies. We had lots of fun doing this. Take a look at some of our photos

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November 21, 2016
by Miss Hood
1 Comment

Active Literacy!

Primary 2H have been hard at work learning phonemes! We have been using magnetic boards to make and blend words, we looked for phonemes in our reading books and we used playdough to create words with phonemes. We have even been to the library to choose our own books to read and spot phonemes in!


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November 21, 2016
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Germ Buster

Primary 1 got a visit from the Germ Buster! She explained the importance of washing our hands and showed us how to wash them correctly. Her special machine checked that we had no germs on our hands after washing them.

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November 21, 2016
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment

Our Emergency Vehicle Models

For homework over the last few weeks, some of the children have been making models to show their knowledge of the Emergency Service vehicles that we have learned in our topic this term. Look at some of the models below, I think you’ll agree that they look fantastic!


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