Our new School Handbook is out! Copies are available from the school office on request.
Alternatively, it can be downloaded here.
December 23, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
Our new School Handbook is out! Copies are available from the school office on request.
Alternatively, it can be downloaded here.
December 19, 2016
by User deactivated
1 Comment
Primary 1K and P1M had a visit from Santa and his Elf. They parked their sleigh on the school roof!!! They had heard that both classes had behaved really well throughout their Nativity rehearsals and had thrilled audiences with both performances of ‘Born in a Barn’. They brought a gift for each child and reminded the children of the importance of maintaining their good behaviour until Christmas Eve. Each child was delighted to have their photograph taken with Santa and his Elf.
December 19, 2016
by Mrs Taylor
For part of their Health & Wellbeing topic this term, Primary 3 have been learning all about food hygiene and preparation. On Wednesday last week the children learned how to make and bake shortbread. They selected the appropriate utensils and ingredients and followed the recipe. In groups, they made shortbread dough and used Christmas themed cutters to make angels, bells, xmas trees and stockings biscuits. They really enjoyed the experience and parcelled up their biscuits in gift bags to give to friends and family. Here are some of the photographs taken on the day.
Miss Taylor
December 18, 2016
by Mr McKeever
A copy of the latest Chryston High School Handbook can now be viewed/downloaded by clicking on the link below. A hard copy of the handbook can be requested from the school office at Chryston High School.
Chryston High School Handbook, December 2016
December 16, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
1 Comment
All classes are enjoying their Christmas parties just now. Here are just a few photographs to give you a sense of the fun we are having!
December 16, 2016
by User deactivated
We hope all our invited guests enjoyed the Primary 1 performances of Born In A Barn. The children have been working extremely hard and their teachers are very proud of the excellent behaviour that they displayed when practising. We think that they were amazing and we hope you do too!!
December 16, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
1 Comment
What a feast we had today as we enjoyed our Christmas Lunch. Many thanks to our hard working catering staff who fed us all in record time!
December 15, 2016
by Mrs Nicolson
Thank you to everyone who attended our Carols by Candlelight event this evening. Everyone felt the Christmas spirit as we listened to traditional carols, joined in some favourite songs and tucked into hot chocolate and cookies! Not many sleeps now…!
December 14, 2016
by Mr McKeever
Well done to all our super choir members who sang their hearts out at the St. Enoch shopping Centre on Wednesday 14th December. The children were performing to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who turned up to support our choir.
December 14, 2016
by Mrs MacNeil
1 Comment
What an amazing afternoon we had on Tuesday 13th December. As part of our Health and Wellbeing topic about food labelling and food preparation we had a French Bread Pizza making extravaganza in Primary 5/4. We discussed all the important preparations needed before the making could begin including hand washing, clean area to work, laying out all the equipment, utensils and ingredients you need.
The class were taken in groups to create their pizza from a variety of toppings – passata sauce, wafer thin ham, red onion, diced red, green and orange pepper, plum tomatoes, red cheddar cheese, white cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese. We discussed the importance of making your toppings level so that the ingredients would cook evenly and not burn. The French bread pizzas were put into the oven on a tray for about 8 minutes and were ready to be sampled and eaten if the children wished or taken home to show and share with the family.
The children were involved in different roles from taking pictures to washing dishes and helping with the clearing up and tidying after each group had created their fantastic French bread pizzas. At the end of the lesson I asked some of the children in the class about what they learned from the pizza making and their opinions. Here are some of the responses given.
“I enjoyed it because we were having fun and learning at the same time!” (Olivia McCallum)
“I enjoyed it because when I go home I can make it again myself.” (Jamie Guy)
“I liked it because you get to see, smell and touch the toppings.” (Cara McColl)
“It was the best pizza I’ve ever made!” (Aiden Laurie)
“I enjoyed it. I would definitely do it again!” (Aili Walker)
“I learned we didn’t need a pizza base to make a pizza.” (Matthew Heggie)
“I really enjoyed pizza making in class and I can now make it at home as I liked it and you need very few ingredients.” (Sam Quinn)
“I really enjoyed learning to make pizza and I think I could make it at home now I know how to do it.” (Skye Naismith)
“I enjoyed it because we were learning and having fun.” (Naomi Hutton)
Here are just some of the many amazing photographs that were taken during our pizza making afternoon. Many thanks to Mrs MacLeod and Mrs Miller for all their help and assistance in class. We hope that we will have another cooking or baking session in class later in the school year.