Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

February 17, 2017
by Miss Raeside
1 Comment

Space Project

In class, we have transformed the classroom in to Space! We have an alien called Ian who is green and is being beamed up to his spaceship in the middle of the room. We also have black walls with lights at the top and asteroid lights. We each made a planet at home and brought them into class to show them off! Outside the class we have tinfoil around our partition with signs saying ‘Caution’ and when people walk past it makes a rattl-ey sound – very spacey! we also have a little space table with lots of books and reading about space. We are all really enjoying our topic!

-Sarah Heggie

February 17, 2017
by Miss Raeside

Cross Country 2017

On the 17th of February, some of the Stepps Primary boys and girls went to Ravenswood to race against other schools in the Cross Country heats. Christopher, Keir and I went to represent P7. Everyone in our school all did really well with great results! I came first in my race! We all had an amazing time and can’t wait for the finals.

-Joshua McNairn

February 16, 2017
by Mrs Taylor

Walk like an Egyptian

Primary 3 are busy preparing for their class assembly on the 24th February.  They have enjoyed carrying out research, creating fact files, making jewellery and learning songs.  We hope to see as many parents and carers there on the day.  You might even get a cup of tea!!


Miss Taylor

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February 15, 2017
by Miss McCurrach
1 Comment

Fruit Kebabs

As part of our Health and Wellbeing topic, Primary 1 have been learning how to make fruit kebabs. The children used the claw and bridge cutting techniques and put the prepared fruit onto the skewer. They all found them yummy!

Have a look at our slideshow.

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February 15, 2017
by Miss Davidson
1 Comment

Learning Out Of This World!

Our new topic has landed with a BANG! So far in class we have orbited around the classroom to find out and record new information about the different planets in our Solar System. Swapping and exchanging ideas and information with each other. We have worked together to create and paint large planets to hang in our classroom, helping us to transport our classroom into a different universe! Keep a look out for a picture of the finished result. img_0817 img_0818 img_0819 img_0820 img_0821 img_0823

Scottish Focus Week in P.5D

February 15, 2017 by Mrs De Rosa | 1 Comment

image imageWe were learning about all things Scottish for our Scottish focus week. The children were testing their knowledge of Scottish geography with some work on mapping skills and learning about famous landmarks from around Scotland. Research was carried out on Robert Burns and the children worked so hard to learn a Scottish poem for our poetry competition. Our poetry winners were Jessica and Josh who recited their poems with so much confidence in front of the whole school. Our art competition winners were Emma and Alannah who produced some beautiful pieces of work. Well done everyone!

This gallery contains 3 photos

P6/5 are being Busy Bees in Term 3

February 15, 2017 by Mr Doran | 14 Comments

So far, Term 3 has been all about making money!

At the start of January, we were visited by Matt from Entrepreneur Me. He set the class a challenge – he offered to give the pupils a business loan to invest in their own companies and make some money to give to a good cause. The only catch is that they have to make enough to pay the loan back to Matt at the end of the project!

At the moment of writing, the pupils have created their own companies, assigned each other jobs like Managing Director, Quality Control, Designer, and have used email to apply for their loans. The companies are currently producing spreadsheets to show their predictions for how much money they are going to make. They are also investigating the local area, to decide on which local charity or group the profits are going to go to.

Take a look at the pictures to see us meeting with the rest of the company, as well as our company logos. Look out for us sell, sell, selling our products once our loans come through!

This gallery contains 14 photos

February 15, 2017
by Mrs MacNeil
1 Comment

Amazing Art in Primary 5/4

We really enjoy our weekly art sessions on a Friday afternoon, where we get to create some beautiful pieces that would be fit for any gallery wall.  Our recent pictures have been completed over several stages and we think that they really have been worth it as the enjoyment and artistic flair has been shown by everyone.

Owls at Night – these pictures were created in two stages, firstly drawing and colouring a very detailed owl using either pens, chalk pastels or colouring pencils.  The second stage was to create a night sky with stars and the moon and then the owls were positioned onto the backgrounds to produce fabulous pictures.  Every single owl and background was different.

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Taj Mahal Art – These pictures took a few hours to complete.  The children learned about bleeding tissue paper with water so that the coloured ink would transfer onto the cartridge paper.  This was another multi stage process.  Firstly the children had to draw an outline of the Taj Mahal with pencil, freehand and add in details of towers, windows, doorways etc then outline it with a permanent marker so that the ink would not run.  Then the children had to choose either warm or cold colours for their Taj Mahal and they used water to wet the tissue paper and stick it on top of the picture.  The background also involved bleeding tissue paper; though the colours had to be the opposite of their Taj Mahal.  After the bleeding was complete and dry, the Taj Mahal was cut out with a small edge around it and then was glued on top of the coloured backgrounds.  We really loved the end results as every set of colours and schemes were completely different.

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Our current art project involves the amazing artist Ted Harrison.

February 15, 2017
by Miss Davidson
1 Comment

P7 … Ready Steady Cook

Last week P7 were very busy cooking up a storm in the classroom. The children worked in small groups to make spring rolls, fresh pizza and delicious chocolate surprises. Along with cooking up delicious food the children all demonstrated great knife skills, with the ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ grip. Fabulous cooking P7!img_0826 img_0827 img_0828 img_0829 img_0830 img_0832 img_0838 img_0836 img_0833

February 15, 2017
by Mrs Shaw
1 Comment

Tuesday 7th February Safer Internet Day 2017

On the 7th February it was Safer Internet Day.

I know that many of us are baffled by aspects of the internet and that even our primary aged children are overtaking us with their confidence and abilities. Today’s children are born into a fast paced digital world. They may be tech savvy but we can’t forget they are still very young children. Therefore is is even more important for parents/carers and teachers to make sure that we teach our children about how to be safer online. I have copied some links to relevant sites that may help parents/carers with a starting place or answer FAQs. 

Our children may have access to different devices that access the internet.

How do I keep my children safe online? What the security experts tell their kids › Technology › Children’s tech

General tips on keeping children safe.

Safer Internet Day 2017

Safer Internet Day

How to set parental controls.


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