Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

April 18, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson

Road Safety around BIG LORRIES!!

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Many thanks to Warburtons for their visit to school today.  They brought a HUGE lorry to show us the dangers we face every day when we are out and about near roads.  An important message for us all!

March 31, 2017
by Mrs Allan

Big Pedal

Stepps was very colourful today with Superheroes everywhere. Fantastic costumes as always. Thank you to everyone who cycled or scootered into school over the past 2 weeks. Keep it up!

March 31, 2017
by Mrs Allan

Talent Show

Wow! What a fantastic night which proves that Stepps certainly does have talent. Everyone really enjoyed the event and the audience had lots of very positive comments. All the performers should be very proud. Can I say a huge thank you to everyone involved in the show. I wonder what we can do next year!!!

March 31, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson

The Big Pedal

Today we finished our two-week Big Pedal promotion.  Pupils were invited to come to school dressed as Super Heroes to celebrate.  Thank you to all those who cycled and scootered to school over the past fortnight.

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Remember, the Big Pedal might be finished, but there is no reason why you can’t continue with your healthy journeys to school.  Let’s see if we can fill the cycle racks every day!

March 31, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson

It’s Official…Stepps really does have Talent!

We always knew it was true, but last night we were blown away by the talent on display at our annual school show.  Pupils from all classes were invited to take part and they didn’t disappoint!  We had singers and dancers, as well as a wide range of variety acts.  Comedians, magicians, musicians, gymnasts and poets all had us on the edge of our seats.  Here are just a few photographs taken on the night, and at our dress rehearsal.

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March 28, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson
1 Comment

Comic Relief Update

Thanks to your generosity, Stepps Primary managed to raise a grand total of £852 for Comic Relief last week.  What a fabulous achievement.

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Comic Relief 2017

March 24, 2017 by Mrs De Rosa | 0 comments

Wow! Look at how fabulous Primary 5D look for Comic Relief.








We got to design some new Red Noses on the computer and we have some very creative designs.

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March 17, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson

Fabulous Family Ceilidh

Huge thanks to all our PTA members and friends who worked hard to make our 2017 Ceilidh such a great success.  And of course, a massive thanks to everyone who came on the night, hoochin’ and choochin’ the night away!  Not only did we raise more money for school funds…we managed to have a wonderful evening at the same time.

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March 17, 2017
by Mrs Hogg
1 Comment

Primary 4H at Vikingar!

Primary 4 had a great day visiting Vikingar in Largs! Some of us got to dress up as real Vikings and go inside a longhouse to see what life would have been like for Vikings many years ago. We were also visited by some Viking gods and we got to play a game that Viking children would have played. It was a very interesting trip and we learned lots!

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